Dec 29, 2006 21:03
My week, though eventful, can be summarized as follows:
1. There are two new kids at the place I work. One came on Christmas eve, and the other yesterday. So far they've been very polite and compliant, but my guess is that they'll start to show difficult behaviors in another week or so. I also predict that I will keep calling one of them by the wrong name, because he really reminds me of another kid I've worked with.
2. My relatives seem to think that I've had a sex change. Either that, or they accidently sent me somebody else's gifts. My grandparents sent me something that looks like an army jacket, and my aunt sent me a man's shirt (but it's really warm and soft, so I've been wearing it anyway).
3. I'm apparently both really good and really bad at my job. I think I've improved a fair amount at relating to the kids (and wasn't too bad to begin with), but I still have trouble being aware of everything that's going on around me in a busy room. Assuming that everyone is behaving safely, and that I am not the only staff member in the room, I tend to focus my attention on one conversation(and this is a huge disadvantage because I'm expected to be aware of everything). I thought about quitting and looking for a new job yesterday because I felt that I could never improve in this area. However, I decided to stay with it and just try my best to improve until the end of the school year (assuming I don't get fired for incompetence, which probably won't happen)... even if I never do meet expectations, I'll probably learn something that will help me later on in life.
4. It's harder than usual to be Jewish in a Christian household around the holidays. Comments about turning my back on Jesus are increased seven-fold.
5. Chava has strange lumps on her chest and leg. The vet thinks they're probably benign, but she's going in for another exam today, because they keep getting bigger.
6. "A fish called Wanda" and "Trading Places" are good movies. "The Wiz" is not.
"Christmas with the Kranks" is also bad movie, but for some reason, it made me laugh.