and with the simple swing of a sword the blood began to spray

Dec 05, 2004 11:55

the gwar concert last night was insainly awsome, atleast during gwars set... the beginings of the concert was filled with idiots messing with erica which made me all pissy and wanting to kick the shit out of some people, but i didnt, o well... the gwar set started with john carrie talking and then they riped his head right off, fallowed by Arnold geting his arm and fingers choped off, then lacey petursun paris hilton and others were killed aswell, and then the mac daddy of em all George Bush got his ass decapitated... the entier set i was trying to keep erica from falling on the grownd and getting trambled by the mass of idiots out their, i almost smacked the shit out of a couple different people cause they were pissing me off, i think i seperated one guys ribs with my thumb cause he pissed me off. after the concert me and erica both were soaked in "blood" and "vomit" it was great, i wasnt at all cold but she was for some odd reason... i had a shit load of fun, and ran into the guy from Sinue and he wants to play with my band early next month and the blistics want to play with us again soon, so we gota get our shit together quick and start playing shows again, i think we should be able to do it no probolem...
today i woke up and took a shower, it was funny the water running off my body wasnt clear, it was red and green switching at different times between the two, and looking at myself with my shirt off i got a free spray on tan on my face and for-arms cause my chest and other parts are still as white as ever, i find that entertaining
today is band practice, its goin to be great and fun as hell, i cant wait. after that i am proboly goin to just sit around and do nothing, which is lame, but such is my life, if anyone wants to hang or whatever give me a call, band practice is from 3 to 5 so after that i am free...
well have fun with the world kiddoes
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