
Dec 23, 2008 17:34

It has been a ridiculously long time since I have posted anything on here (not that it matters, since I barely even have a friends list) but I am just so irritated at this moment. So Kevin calls me today and tells me that our boss, Jim, threatened to fire him because he had never seen the store running more poorly.

Why was it running poorly?

Kevin was incredibly shorthanded, the drink machine stopped working, and the three people that were supposed to come down to work from Castle Rock didn't come down because their store manager suspended the driver.

This kind of situation has frequently been occurring. I am tired of being verbally abused by Jim and Adam because of their incompetence. Sorry, but paying full time employees who have been working there for over a year only 7.50 an hour is just ridiculous. I know the economy is bad right now...in fact, I'm so tired of hearing about it! However...why the hell do we have to suffer? Threatening to fire Kevin is just one of Jim's ways to act like he is asserting his authority. How ridiculous can you be? Instead of just bitching and moaning, maybe he could help out a little bit. Kevin works harder than any manager that I know! I know I am biased, but still. He busted his butt getting them ready for the open while Nicole sat on her ass and did nothing. He worked a bunch of 14 hour days without getting paid extra for his efforts.


Jim told him that the next time he comes in and the store is running like that Kevin won't have a job.

Well fuck you Jim (and Adam too.)

As soon as Kevin gets hired somewhere else, he's out of there. He's not putting in his two weeks notice either. Fuck you for all of your stupidity and your condescension. If you think you can do it better then get your asses in the store and actually do it better. Maybe you should not have shorted us on managers without evening trying to replace them. Maybe you should let the managers-in-training actually wear uniforms so that customers realize they are legitimate managers, or better yet, don't force them to run shifts alone. Maybe you shouldn't think that your stupid mountain stores are running better just because their brainwashed general managers don't understand that working a 16 hour day every day is not a good working environment, and that not giving crew their breaks is an unacceptable and ILLEGAL practice.

It's not worth it to me anymore to see Kevin suffer and be miserable all the time bnecause you are such assholes.

He WILL find another job. He's not incapable and good jobs are out there. You are fucking douche bags and don't deserve the year's worth of service we have worked for you. All of the managers that work there are better than this stupid, pointless, waste of time, stressful job.

Don't expect Kevin to stick around after your threats. He doesn't care anymore. I don't care anymore.
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