May 14, 2005 13:20
I do dislike these things. but i feel obliged by your dare. so here goes.
1) Total number of films I own on DVD/video:
DVDs: 8-10
VHS: Including back home, Id say I own about 40, maybe 30
2) The last film I bought:
Nightmare before Christmas special edition - quite a while ago now - i only see movies in theatres, downloaded, or rented nowadays.
3) The last film I watched:
At Park Lane cinemas, downtown halifax - the negotiator - mediocre at best, id say.
At Home - Der Untergang (Downfall) - german made movie about the end of the war and hitler, the fuhrer, and hitler the person - definetly worth seeing - nothing historical i didnt already know, but it was impressive to see german cinema create something like this. go see it, or rent it.
4) Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me: in no particular order -
1. Nightmare before xmas
2. Finding Nemo
3. Original Star Wars trilogy
4. Baraka
5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail