Who Are You?
I am Megan Christine Maia.
To be perfectly honest with you, I'm probably not that great of a person.
To be perfectly honest, I'm probably not that great of a friend, either.
I care about people, and I want them to care about me too, probably way too much.
I do too many things for people, in hopes that they will return the favor, even if I know they won't.
Then sometimes I get disappointed when they don't.
I trust to easily.
I try to be somewhat selfless.
But I know inside I'm so selfish it's insane.
I am self-conscious.
I am sometimes cocky to cover that up.
Truth be told I can sometimes be very unpleasant.
Truth be told I can be very bitchy.
But I come off as bitchy only because I'm honest.
I come off as bitchy because I'm brutal.
Because I am brutally honest.
And honesty hurts.
And that's brutal.
But it's the truth.
I am very sarcastic.
I am hypocritical.
I worry way too much.
I am not an emo kid.
I am not a wanna-be-punk-rocker.
I am not a scenester.
I am not a prep.
I am not a goth kid.
I am not a poseur.
There is no such thing as a poseur.
Everyone does at least one thing because someone else did it first.
No one is original.
No one is different.
Everyone is exactly the same.
Even me.
No one truly cares for anyone or anything but themselves and their image.
Exactly like the person sitting next to them.
Everyone is unique.
Just like everyone else.
If you want to label me, go right ahead.
Chances are I'll label you.
Because anyone who says they don't label can eat my fuck.
Because anyone who says they don't label is full of shit.
I'm not a fan.
But everybody does it.
It's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see someone.
Just don't stick to your labels, I suppose, is what I'm saying.
I don't need to hear you tell me what I am.
I know.
And on the off chance I don't, I'll find out.
So eat it.
By it, of course, I mean my fuck.
There is nothing more too me.
I say what's on my mind.
I do what I want to do.
And I'm not afraid to verbally kick your ass.
And I will.
Sometimes I have a big ego too.