First entry.
Today we're being blokes. We don't like football but alas we have planned a gathering to watch the final at Tash's house. This includes bear nuts, salted peanuts, corn chips (all Home Brand of course), donus with chocolate icing and orange sprinkas (getting into the spirit), fizzy drink, chicken, lettuce, tampons and some friends. After the match we're going out to a movie marathon for the night, then back to Tash's to bum.
Last night we met a hot boy, Chris (Feral_Messiah), at Tash's surprise birthday present from Emily. After a two hour car ride, and keeping Tash guessing, we rocked up at the Hogwarts Express! ^_^ After dressing up as Puffs, we found Chris and after a while we made contact :D
Anyway.. now we're waiting for Wilma to show to get our party started.
Us in smart cas. hitting the town in one of our many rampaging rendezvous costumes.. ^_^