hmmm why does everything get fucked up but all of a sudden its all good

Mar 16, 2005 23:03

well 2 hour argument on the phone could have been longer but i had to get off a few times

does that even make any sense i have absolutely noo idea


i have no idea what is going through my mind
i want the bus strike to end cuz i have to get to the galleria

i really really need a cigarette but i cant smoke for the next 3 months cuz of lacrosse
good thing is i am going to be a starter i hope

i am also stressed the fuck out about everything school relationship everything that goes into a relationship

what else i never hang out with anyone

i think i need to see a psychiatrist cuz i think i am going to go insane and have a nuclear meltdown or something
zappia called my house last week d'allessandro (or however you spell it ) is supposed to call my house between today and whenever he feels like picking up the phone which isnt good even though i have been doing al the labs

soo howz your life cuz mine sux
but what are you going to do

and there is soo much more shyt going on in my life

love you tess

no worries
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