May 31, 2006 22:46
woot a little being excited for the weekend and I'm a little healthier in general...problems not resolved.....still have the sword of damaclese dangling above my head but heyyyy ohhhhhhh I'll deal with it when I can. So it's time to suck it up, have fun, start eating again....stop weighing in at 125 pounds and feeling sick. WOOO and listen to this new chili peppers album (stadium arcadium) CUZ IT IS AWESOME
yup...this weekend is going to be crazy fun...and I have tomorrow off to work on a blanket my rats attacked and I AM SOO CLOSE TO HAVING MY TABLES SET UP. so if any of you on here see kurt regularly tell him NARYN NEEDS A MIXER cuz he's going CRAZZZZY looking at these useless headphones, tables, records and new needles!!!
ummm yup
life = the craziest shit ever...... I mean if there is a god I think he must be on mushrooms all the time.....speaking of which last night was fun....hahaha southgate on cheapnight = ridiculous....nothing like dancing all hammered with all your ridiculous friends!