Dec 14, 2006 03:58
I am going to just start rambling here, and as I don't post often, I have no idea how this will turn out, but here it is anyhow. So, sitting here after an outstanding date last night, I'm rather..... content. Happy. Maybe ecstatic. I have been 'dating' (as in, by definition, "going on dates with", not "In a relationship with") this rather attractive asian woman. We met about a month ago, and hit it off right away. We've been very happy together when we've seen each other. We compliment each other quite well. We have common interests, and she's incredibly upbeat. She's so passionate about living life, and experiencing things. She seems to see the silver lining in the grey clouds instead of assuming the grey clouds are really black. And that's not the only place we're compatible. So far so good. Oh, and the best part is.. she's beautiful! :) She's a non-smoker, not a heavy/regular/out of control drinker and something of a "workaholic". Meaning she has a day job, and then a second job that she's not married to, but is there just to keep her busy and give her some extra cash. At least, this is how she tells the tale. :)
Looking forward to (hopefully) seeing her again this Friday. Then I'm stoked about seeing Robynn (and Dave, assuming things are resolved) on Saturday. Yeah.. It's gonna be a freakin great weekend!!! Then, maybe, just maybe I'll go to the dubliner on Sunday or something. Dunno what Leah's schedule is like, and while it would be nice to see her, I don't think it's a good idea to on Sunday. I'll have seen her last Friday, Tuesday, this Friday, then Sunday again? Considering (I'm pretty sure) she's seen me every day she's not worked her second job, I think she might like to spend a day/night with her daughter if not to just have some time to herself. We shall see. Whatever happens works for me I guess.
Yeah.. I'm pretty happy right now. :)