Aug 03, 2004 17:16
you may think its sick, but i have a strange..well i wouldnt call it an obsession, its more of a fascination. i have a fascination with dead beings...expectialy road kill,i cant look away. its like this force that grabs my attention and wont let go, its not that i nessesarly like to see these poor creatures mangled,or that im happy that their dead, its just that i am interested. i want to know what they look like on the inside and i always try to see there faces. ive never seen a person get killed and ive only seen a dead person in a funeral, but i would imagine that i would feel much like this about them too. im gonna be a good forensic patholigist. i cant wait to go back to school. im so thirsty for knowledge.i need to learn, it makes me happy.