
And then for some programming

Apr 06, 2014 23:49

Oh dear, am I tired. (I made some pretty silly test mistakes a few weeks ago, also. Always read the questions in detail, folks![1])

I will say this, however: The functional programming I'm learning about (not what I had a test in) seems to be coloring my thoughts pretty significantly at the moment, because I used some of today's time wondering how to make a C-alike language that would support a more functional style... and I came up with odd syntax like

void foo(int x, int y) = { cout << x << ", " << y << endl; }

("And all functions are simply variables in the global scope") and

void bar() = {
void foo(int a) = { return(a + 1); }

int an_array[3] = {1, 2, 3};

// increments every element in an_array by 1.
imperative_map(an_array, foo, 3);

for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
cout << a_list[i] << endl;

But there might be a language that does this already. Though to be powerful enough, this hypothetical C variant should also support type inference, so that higher order functions like imperative_map can work on any and all types. Either that, or it's typename time!

Er, yeah.

[1] And most definitely don't just skim the question and read "a mapping from [1,2] x [1,3]" as "a mapping from [1,2] x [0,3]". That just won't do! Not to mention that on a multiple choice test, every wrong answer is equally wrong.

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