Public Couponing Post -- Pet food, free!

May 06, 2013 15:14

So I'm going to start using this journal to share couponing tricks and such, since this has become one of my new hobbies!

For pet owner's out there, we all want to feed our pets high quality food. I use to pay an absolute fortune for Science Diet food for my animals, and when money got tight, Carly had to move to the cheap stuff. However, there is a great deal out right now to get Hill's Ideal Balance cat and dog food ABSOLUTELY FREE (after mail in rebate and only up to $12.99). You just have to pay tax! I jumped on this deal earlier today.

Here are the links!
for doggies
for kitties

What do you guys think about me doing this deal sharing thing? Awesome or annoying?

pets, food, dog, couponing, cats

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