* stole this from amanda :) *

Mar 27, 2005 19:08

1)What time are you starting this?: 7:09
2)Name?: Shauna
3) Date of birth?: november 5th
4) Sex?: female
5) Height?: 5'1
6) Eye color?: blueish
7) Hair color?: blonde/ black undertones
8) Location? Macomb
9) Where were you born?: michigan
10) Have you ever failed a grade?: nopeee
11) If you have, what grade did you fail?: nope.
12) Do you have crush on someone?: yeah 0:)

13) Do you have a bf/gf?: no..
14) If so, what is their name: ---
15) How long have you been together?: ---
16) What are you wearing right now?: a hodie, and pajama pants
17) Would you have sex before marriage?: yea
18) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: eh no.
19) Are you a virgin?: eheh 0:) wouldnt u like to know
20) Do you smoke?: yepp
21) Do you drink?: when i can
23) Are you a player?: of course not
24) What are your favorite colors?: Hot pink

25) What is your favorite animal(s)?: doggg
26) Do you have any birthmarks?: not that i know of
27) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: nopee
028) Who are your best friends?: Ginette, Sam, and Julie :)
29) Have you ever beat someone up?: never been ina fight :O
30) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: ginette/ or sam
31) Have you ever been slapped?: kiindof
32) Do you get online a lot?: yeah
33) Are you shy or outgoing?: outgoing
34) Do you shower?: uhmm yeah
35) Do you hate school?: nOpe :O
36) Do you have a social life?: yeah
37) How easily do you trust people? ehhh. not easily
38) Have you ever lied to your bestfriends?: not really
39) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: i dont think so
40) Would you ever sky dive?: Yeah!!
41) Do you like to dance?: of course
68) Have you ever been out of state?: Yeah
69) Do you like to travel?: Yeah
70) Have you ever been expelled from school?: Nopee
71) Have you ever been suspended from school?: nope
71) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: yeah
72) Are you spoiled?: ehh yea :P
73) Are you a brat?: sometimes
74) Have you ever been dumped?: Yeah
75) Have you ever gotten high?: Yes of courseee :D
76) What's your favorite drink?:  mountain dew // blue power aid!
77) Do you like Snapple?: suree
78) Do you drink a lot of water?: kindaa
79) What toothpaste do you use: crest
80) Do you have a cell phone or pager?:  cell phonee
81) Do you have a curfew?: yeah :[

82) Who do you look up to?: no one
83) Are you a role model?: most deff. not!
85) What name brand do you wear the most?: whateverrrr i wantt

86) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: ear rings
87) What do you have pierced?: My ears & belly button
88) What do you want pierced?: tounge & acouple more on my ears
89) Do you like taking pictures?: YeA!
90) Do you like getting your picture taken?: ehh not really
91) Do you have a tan?: not ne more :(
92) Do you get annoyed easily?: yeepp
93) Have you ever started a rumor?: probably
94) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: yeaa
95) Do you have your own pool?: yea
96) Do you have any siblings?: Yeah...
97) Do you prefer boxers or briefs? I dont care
98) Have you ever been played?: yep : /
99) Have you ever played anyone?: yeah
100) Do you get along with your parents?: noO!
102) How do you vent your anger?: crying, or screaming
103) Have you ever run away?: I was going to, but i knew my mom would call the cops. so ididnt

104) Have you ever been fired from a job?: Nope
105) Do you even have a job?: Nooo
106) Do you daydream a lot?: yeah :P
107) Do you have a lot of ex's?: lmao yepp
108) Do you run your mouth?: of course
109) What do you want a tattoo of?: alot of things
110) What do you have a tattoo of?: dont have onee
111) What are your favorite flowers?: all the pretty tropical flowers
112) What does your ex bf/gf look like: uhm? lmao
113) What does your most recent crush look like?: :X
114) Have you ever been bitched out?: yeP
115) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: uhmm yesterday.
116) Are you rude?: I can be
117) What was the last compliment you received?: i dont rembmer
118) Do you like getting dirty?:  ;) of course
119) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: innie
120) Are you flexible?:  ehh idk?
121) A. What is your heritage?: german & polish
121) B. If you actually read this entire thing I will make love to you: LMFAO ;)
122) What is your lucky number?: 3// or 13
123) What does your hair look like right now?: up and messsyy.
124) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: for like 2 weeks
125) When was your last real heartbreak?: last year :/
126) Describe your looks: uhm. bllue eyes. blonde hair. 5'1
127) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: a Diff. color blonde with a bunch of different highlights
128) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: i have before, now i wont,
129) Would you ever date someone older than you?: yeah!
130) When was the last time you were drunk?: no comment
131) When was the last time you went on a date?: umm idk
132) Would you rather give or receive oral sex?: lmao doesnt matter 0:)
135) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: nope
136) Do you have one now?: no
137) How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2 or 3
138) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: yess :)
139) If yes, when was the last time?: summer
140) Do you look more like your mother or father?: dad
141) Do you cry a lot?: unfortanally yes
142) Do you ever cry to get your way?: sometimes
143) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be: a toe.
144) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: are you kidding me // reallllyy
145) Are you the romantic type?: dpends
146) Have you ever been chased by cops?: haha yyess
147) What do you like most about your body?: ehh. no
148) What do you like least about your body?: pretty much everything
150) When was the last time you threw up?: like last week
151) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: i dotn care.
152) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: dvs
153) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: nopee
154) What about cleavage?: ehh, somtimes
155) Is your best friend a virgin?: haha, wouldnt u like to know ;)
156) Have you ever fucked someone up?: no?
157) Have you ever been fucked up?: no
158) What color are your underwear right now?: pink & orange
159) What theme does your room have?: pink & white
160) What size shoe do you wear?: 8
161) What jewelry are you wearing now?: my ear rings
162) What is your screen name on AIM?: ShaunaDrez
163) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: Yepp :)
164) How are you feeling right now?: ehh ok?
165) When was the last time you were at a party?: idk
166) Have you ever given a lapdance?: lmao.
167) What do you sleep in?: pajama pants. and a big t shirt
168) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: probaly
169) What is one of your bad qualities?: who knows
170) What is one of your good qualities?: I dont knoww
171) Would you marry for money?: haha maybe
172) What do you drive?:don’t have my license yet
173) Have you ever given or received head?: haha nope :X
174) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: dads.
175) What does your lj username mean?: uhm idk?
176) What's your favorite lj to read?: idk
177) When was the last time you cried in school?: ... 2 weeks ago
178) Do you wear Chucks?: i have a pair. but i dont wear them ne more
179) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: yepp
180) What time are you finishing this?: 7:32

wowowow, i was oh so bored :[
ungrounded on wedensday, figures its gunna be a shitty day
oh well
byeezz :)
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