May 22, 2005 20:09
hah last night was on THE FUNNEST NIGHTS EVER so im gonna just not go into detail and give u a list of the fun things
*Strippers, they were gross but it was funny
*hahah fun drive on the way there
*starbucks bannana dance
*driving way out to the res trying to get to party number 1 with stacie kharissa and bethany
*hahah walking off with kevin trying to find cows to tip, which we dont
*driving kevins car, (EVERY 15 MINUTES), with bethany and kevin around the res
*while driving we find cows, kevin and i attempt to tip but there too fast we we chase them...its pitch black kevin jumps over a fence and runs off into the night after cows
*haha me driving arounf alpine with kev and beth trying to find party num 2
*jello shots, yeah it was after i realized i messed up obn being vegeitarian cuz there is gelatin in jello....
*seeing my brother at party num 2 and he accually got me a beer which was weird, (he is anti me partying)
*hahah driving with ben back to party num 1 and wrapping
*just being out in the middle of nowhere in a indian reservation and tripping out with zack kevin and adam mooney with bethany passing out hahahah. good times
hahahha fun fun night there is more but those are some highlights