(no subject)

Oct 24, 2006 18:44

Now.. this is my kinda survey :)


1. When was the last time you drank?
Saturday night.

2. Where did you drink at?
All around San Leandro and Oakland.

3. Have you ever been kicked out of a bar?
Yep. For not being 21.

4. Have you ever had an interaction with police while under the influence?
Yeah... it was actually kinda fun. I felt really at ease around them, even though it was my hotel room they were searching. I didn't like them so much after they poured out my alcohol, though.

5. How many drinks does it take you to get drunk? Depends what kinda drink, I guess..

6. What is the last alcoholic drink you had? 40 of Mickeys or Jack Daniels... can't remember which was last.

7. Have you ever gone to school/work drunk?
Hahaha oh man. Few times in junior year... In senior year, I think I came to school drunk more than I did sober. Work, a few times when I was still drunk from the previous night.

8. Do you get hangovers? I think I've had 2 in my lifetime, but they weren't bad. I just felt really drowsy.

9. When did you start drinking?
Uhhh, first drink around 11? A beer from my grandpa. First shot.. I believe I was 14?

10. Have you ever thrown up on someone because you were so drunk?
On someone else? No, not that I can recall.

11. What is the craziest thing you have ever done while drunk?
Errr, nothing I would like to remember or write about here.

12. Have you ever hooked up while you were drunk?
Yeah, few times.

13. Do you wish you were drinking right now?
Hell yeah.

14. Have you ever been so drunk that you dont remember what happened?
Haha yeah. Fun stuff.

15. What is the worst shot?
Gin. That stuff is nasty.

16. Do you drink during the week?
Not lately, work kinda wears me out.

17. Has someone asked you to stop drinking?
Yeah, my sister.

18. What is your favorite drink?
Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan... 211 and Mickeys.

19. When is the last time you were drunk?

20. Have you ever been in a fight when you were drinking?
I don't believe I have. I'm a loving drunk.

21. Does your family drink?
My dad attempts to, my sister does, and my moms almost as much of a lightweight as my dad.

22. What is your favorite drinking game?
Uhhh... the one we played at Lawrence's house was fun. Everyone picks a really common word, i.e. "like", "hella", "really", etc... and everytime you say one of those words, you take a shot. It gets you shitfaced. Liar's dice is also really fun, but the drunker the get the worse you are. The worse you are the more shots you take. Let's just say the last time I played I may have puked.

23. If you could have only one alcoholic drink for the rest of your life what would it be?
All beer? More specifically, Mickeys.

24. Have you ever had a drink named after you?
There's a beer in Germany with my last name.

25. What is your favorite day of the year for drinking?

26. What is the earliest time that you've started drinking?
7AM, before school started.

27. What is the longest stretch of time that you've drank?
Errrr... camping trip with Dino and Tyler. On the way to the lake, we drank a bottle of Jack. Older people brought really good, really expensive liquor.. Johnny Walker, black label. Drank all day, and woke up to drink more beer. 3 days and 2 nights. Fun weekend.

28. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
Haha, you could say that.

29. Ever have to go to the hospital because of something alcohol related?

30. Are you an alcoholic?

31. What are your parent's drinks of choice?
Smirnoff Ice, or Mike's Hard Lemonade. They're lightweights, like I said. One bottle will get 'em drunk.

32. Ever bonged a beer?
Ohh yeah, that was a bad night. Bad bad bad. But really, really fun.

33. What is your favorite beer commercial?
Uhhh, I can't think of any. The Corona commercials are cool.

34. What's your favorite song to sing in the bar?
Never sang at a bar before.

35. Do you have a favorite bar?
One that'll let me in?

36. Have you ever woken up in a strange place after a night of drinking?
Haha, yeah, a few times. Some random cars, my sister's friends bed, a futon...

37. What types of alcohol have a bad effect on you?
Uhhh, mixing beer & liquor never does me any good. Not that I ever learn from it.

38. What is your favorite hangover cure?
Have none, never had a bad hangover.

39. What is your favorite drunk food?
Don't eat when I drink.

Ohh yeah, I passed my interview. Woohoo. I CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT FRIDAY!!! :)
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