(no subject)

Nov 23, 2004 09:16

Current mood: tired
Current music: the t.v
Current taste: chipss
Current hair: pony tail.
Current clothes: pajama pants and a tank top
Current annoyance: my dog barking
Current smell: chips.
Current thing I should be doing: sleepingg.
Current windows open: nonee
Current desktop picture: calvin.
Current favorite band:.
Current book: eww.
Current cd in stereo:mixx.

Current crush: ummmm.ask me later =)
Current favorite celeb: jessica simpson
Current hate: myself.

=Do I=

Smoke?: no.
Do drugs?: no.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: nope
Remember your first love?: no
Still love him/her?: no
Read the newspaper?: no
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: no. but bi.
Actually Believe in miracles?: sometimess
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: sure
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: sure why not
Consider love a mistake?: in some casess
Like the taste of alcohol?:nope.
Have a favorite candy?: yes
Believe in astrology?: whats that.i get it mixed up with astronomy.
Believe in magic?: ...why not.
Believe in god?: yesss
Have any pets: 5 of 'em
Go to or plan to go to college: yah
Have any piercings?: yes
Have any tattoos?: nopee
Hate yourself: most of the time
Have an obsession?:..with to many thingsss
Have a secret crush?: maybe.
Do they know yet?: i dont knoe.
Have a best friend?: i think so. =(
Wish on stars?: nope.
Care about looks?:ummm..i dont base my opinion on peoples looks.

=first times=

First crush: honestly...beau 1st grade. =/
First kiss: 5th grade.
Single or attached?: attached
Ever been in love?: nope.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: ummm..maybe?
Do you believe in "the one?": yesss?

=Juicy stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: haha.yah.(but i didnt remove anything....)
Have you ever been intoxicated?: uhmm. whats tht mean(its k. im slow) Favorite place to be kissed?: ummm. my lips?
Have you ever been caught "doing something?":nope
Are you a tease?: no..?
Shy to make the first move?: yahh.

=Word association=

Rubber: ducky
Rock: hard
Green: salad?
Wet: water
Cry: tear dropss
Peanut: butter
Hay: horses?
Cold: the current weather
Steamy: my jacuzzi
Fast: food
Freaky: ....?
Rain: cold

Hair: brown
Eyes: hazel
Height: 5'7


Bought: gum
Ate &Drank: chips and coke
Read: jordans IM


club or houseparty: houseparty
beer or cider: cider
drinks or shots: shots?
cats or dogs: both!
single or taken: single? p
en or pencil: penss
gloves or mittens: mittenss
food or candy: food!
cassette or cd: CD.
coke or pepsi: pepsi
This or that: that


kill: nobody.
get really wasted with: **** or **** or ******!!! hahaha
look like: too many girlss
be like: ...not me
avoid: nobodyy


talked to: my mom
hugged: edgar.
instant messaged: jordan
kissed: mike...wow. i need a kiss =/

eat: wherever
cry: my room
wish you were: at the mall

Dated one of your best friends? no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? no
Drank alcohol? yessss!
Done drugs? ...
Broken the law? yes!
Run away from home:yupp
Broken a bone: never!
Played Truth Or Dare? yesss
Kissed someone you didn't really know? yahh! alexx *so hott!*
Been in a fight? yess.

--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection:aaron carter
Your bedroom like?: green
Your favorite thing for breakfast? i dont eat breakfast..
Your favorite restaurant?: uhhh. does inn-n-out count??

--RANDOM QUESTIONS-- What's on your bedside table?: i dont have one...do i? What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: whatever is there What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: i dont cry over movies...
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: .
What is your biggest fear: sharks.
What feature are you most insecure about?: everything?
Do you ever have to beg?: uhhh. sure
Are you a pyromaniac?: yesss!
Do you have too many love interests?: uhh.no?
Crushes? yesss!
Do you know anyone famous?: ..not personally.
Describe your bed: freezing
Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous.!
What do you carry with you at all times?: my cell phone and purse
How do you drive?: good.
What do you miss most about being little?: no school
Are you happy with your given name?: my first name yes. my last name no.
What color is your bedroom?: light green
What was the last song you were sum play: huH?
Who are your best friends?: dani. jordan. and lisa.
Do you talk a lot?: yesss
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: nope
Do you think you're cute?: no. eww no.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? sometimes. yess. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: i guess so..
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: friendss
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: aww..! heehee
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