And the lost wonder farther into despire....

Feb 24, 2006 20:32

I feel lost. I'm confused. In a pickle if you will. Only brittny knows what i'm talkin about. And the more i think, the less i understand. Fear has brought me to this conculsion. Fear has never really been an element to me and the words lead me not into a blocking out of a mental state but of a greater understanding of what man can withstand and of the situtation itself. I dont think fear is something already there, I think we create it. Whether it be the fear of something physical such as heights or something mental such as losing a person, the more we understand it the less scary it becomes. Thats why I try to never worry because the worst that can happen i can't change. I can't uncreate a situation or a problem and whats even harder normally is fixing it. I've grown into a greater understanding of things because I know longer just want to know about something, I now what to know the whole 9 yards and the insignificant, overlooked details. I guess I think that the more i know about it the less there is to be afraid of, the more i understand it, and the more that i appreciate it. I think that you can't truely hate something until you understand all of it. Give everything a chance before you destroy it. Also learn patience. And understand that life has no value, its the things after life that are of value.

I have no clue where I started goin with any of this but in the end, I guess it ment something.

I just had alot of emotions and had to express them.

P.S You probably just had to be in my head at the time to understand all of this because these where the random thoughts that processed through my mind in a matter of a couple of minutes.

the untold thoughts of my life

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