Apr 03, 2004 19:45
10 things in your room
10) Stereo
9) CDs
8) TV
7) DVD player
6) Movies/DVDs
5) Clothes
4) Pictures
3) Fan
1) Old school stuff
09 things you're looking forward to:
9) Summer
8) Yellowcard/SoCo concert
7) Spring Break
6) Clam Lake with the Wrigs
5) Senior Year
4) House Boat trip in TN
3) Getting my license
2) Getting a car
1) Senior Year Spring Break
08 things you like to wear (I'm assuming these are specific pieces of clothes, I don't really know):
8) Hoodies
7) Belts
6) Skirts
5) Long Sleeve T-shirts
4) socks
3) Jeans
2) T-shirts
1) Flip-Flops
07 things that annoy you:
7) People who only think/care about themselves
6) When people chomp their gum/food
5) When people press the keys on the keyboard really hard
4) Homework
3) When you tell someone an inside joke and they talk about it all the time like they were there
2) My info tech teachers
1) Mrs. Heinrich
06 things you say most everyday:
6) Hey
5) awesome
4) yeah
3) cool
2) hiiii
1) how are you
05 things you do everyday:
5) take a shower
4) sleep
3) eat
2) use the computer
1) talk to people
04 people you want to spend more time with:
4) My bro
3) My sis
2) People that I don’t really hang out with as much,
1) other than the people I hang out with alllllll the time
03 of your favorite songs at the moment:
3) Plain White T's - Lonely September
2) Allister - Racecars
1) Yellowcard - Believe
02 movies you could watch over and over again:
2) Big Daddy
1) Tommy Boy
01 the person you could spend forever with:
1) Unsure at the moment 0:)