Jan 21, 2005 11:25
Today Joe looks like a 23 year-old college student who drinks far too much coffee for his own good. But's its ok, he looks nice. I on the other hand look like a weak impersonation of everyone else. It's disgusting. My math teacher is on a public acess math tutoring show. They call it "Math Vision". It's sad, occasionally ill watch this "program" and learn more than she ever has taught in actual math class. But im not going to say anything, Im looking for the least amount of responsibilty.
Let's for a second pretend. Let's say the Bible was a complete work of non-fiction. If we go back to the begining, if I remember correctly, it was Adam's job to name all the animals. What I wonder is, when naming all the animals in the world, did he give them the common names we use today, or did he give them their scientific name? What langague did Adam speak? Before the tower of Babel, the human race spoke on langague. Well who translated the animal names from the first and original langague of the world. I think it's obvious Adam didn't name the monkey, "monkey" in any langague.
I don't like our "President" either, but why would you throw eggs at his limo? Is that your plan to keep him out of the White House? "I know what'll stop him from getting that second term..lets pelt his limo with eggs. That will scare him away." If you voted, you already did everything you could to keep him from flushing this country even further down the perverbial global toilet.
Our highschool is a squanderer. We piss away money on such pointless activities and useless shit. I wonder how much money goes into Pep Assemblies. Over the couse of the year, im sure the cost of assemblies add up to at least a little bit of cash. At least enough to possibly purchase paper towels and soap for the bathrooms. Dances. With the money that goes into pointless memories and drunken nights, we could maybe afford air conditioning that works. Toilets that flush. Doors on bathroom stalls. Maybe im just being naive, but im sure some kids would like to piss in peace.
your comments and opinions are appreciated.
thank you and goodbye