Oct 20, 2005 10:21
I can't wait till I move to New York. I am finally going to wake up to hear the editors planning out, going all out on what is hot? what's not? in their next month issue. And I will listen and take the ideas into place. No Cypress, no annoying girls, no nothing. Just the magazine getting accomplished and drinking a margarita while I wait to see a broadway musical. I miss Miami and it's okay but I want to head out somewhere else rather than where I grew up in.
Well there is a hurricane coming soon, uh oh. And I still haven't planned out anything for it. I am scared, hopefully the grades for my AP class get blown up or something. I hate that class. Probably switching out next semester. The dating has being going amazing! Hahah yesterday two guys asked me out and still I keep the player status coming. I have a lot in my mind though, the making of the Coffee House, SGA activities, grades....etc....I am trying to not stress out.
I don't write in this thing anymore, and it's just weird since I love to write.