that's so true...i hate mtv. i only like mtv once and that was when trl first came out and it was cool to watch for a few seasons until that too became way too commercialized.
yeah: the alligator. it's a really good paper. best independent student-run newspaper in the country or something. it's where i get all my world affair issues. and then i love it when there's stuff like this.
i just generally hate TV. i can't remember the last time i looked forward to watching some show. television is something that makes my brain cells quit. kind of like aeropostale (i say this because the first time i went in, somebody had dropped a bottle of perfume....a nifty excuse for me to claim it was sucking out my intelligence and leave), except that i have sense remedied my bad relationship with "aeropostaleamericaneagleabercrombieandfitchbannanaboathottopic[insert other random brand names here]." here's my ultimatum: if they make some clothes that don't force me to pay fifty bucks to become a walking billboard, then i'll buy them. scratch that, when they make good clothes, then i'll stop flaming them online.
Comments 3
is that from a campus newspaper?
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