Jul 28, 2013 08:47
Had a dream where Julie, Nikki, and I were separating all these rolls of tape that had come in the mail for them; we were on a nice-looking wooden floor in a huge house. These rolls were purple and green, but then one of their friends found something wrong with them, so ordered about 300 yellow rolls of tape instead. That came in the mail the next day, and the female mail carrier wondered what sort of business we were running! The wife from the Bates family with 19 kids then discovered us in her house, and figured that a few extra people to keep an eye on the children wouldn't be such a bad thing. We were actually trying to look things up in Nikki's catalog, which was titled "Active Sports" for some reason! Then we experienced a problem with the sliding doors in the back room; the outdoor cats and dogs wanted in, and could actually enter the house through a door which had been stuck open with an insane amount of gum and other things. We had to fix the door when too many animals entered the house; we made the older kids help us, of course.
The younger children (four to eight years old) were apparently prone to dumping spaghetti, meatballs, and veggies down the sink when they thought nobody was looking! A few pairs of siblings were inseparable, and complained about the lack of Daddy attention. Since it was winter outside, everyone wanted to play in the snow! Benedict showed up at the front sliding door, and figured that 19 kids would DEFINITELY help him gain an advantage in a neighborhood snowball fight. Everyone left - my sister was among the neighborhood casualties, so I sat on her, telling the kids that this was the "in" thing to do! Eventually, we managed to finish sorting all the tape and other merchandise by making all the kids help us after playing outside.
Triggers: Deodorant, thinking about the winter (already!), and using tape on my skin. This was WITHOUT melatonin, too!