People or the place?

Jun 15, 2008 02:08

So once again a late trip home from York having visited Diana, Chris and his new girlyfriend called Ave. Someone called Natalie joined us for a short while too which was nice. Ave and Natalie I hadn't met before, although Diana and Chris have quickly became good friends during this year and gives me a good excuse to continue my trips off to York. Now that Hannah has moved back to Liverpool its nice to know that friends who i have sort of made through her are still happy to invite me down and spend time with.

I had to go for a haircut before i left. Its needed doing for a short while now and I had planned to do it over the week but i never got round to it and so it had to be done on Saturday. Mainly from mums request but also because of the rapidly approaching prom and not wanting to arrive with uncut hair or a just cut look.

Once on the train it was pleasent enough but damn i dislike the CrossCountry Trains, notably the Voyager ones. They're smelly due to vent placement. And the vibrations make it incredibly uncomfortable and noisy. Odd thing is the word place for the vibrations is first class which you would expect to be the quietest and most still part. Not on these trains it would seem! Interestingly enough whilst traveling on my way back i was on board one of National Express's only InterCity 125 trains, which whilst dated inside, it was still incredibly comfortable in comparison to the voyager, and very quiet. Also they have wifi which I'm still shocked at the Voyagers not having. Hmm, still amazes me that a train built in the late 1970's and early 80's is more comfortable and clean than a one from the early 00's. Just goes to show that new things aren't necessarily better! Usually if i can afford the time then i will wait for a National Express over any other, simply because they are more comfortable.

Once there i made my way up to the city centre and met with the rest of them before going for something to drink in a café. Once done there we made our way back to Ave's place to watch some films. Giving in to my urges i bought an icecream after pestering Chris for some money which was owed anyways :P.

Once at Ave's we watched Pom Poko, Treasure Pla3et, Enchanted. Di played on the Sims 2 a bit and a few other games and stuffs, whilst Chris and Ave cuddled and were generally all sweet and stuff. Sort of reminds me of what myself and Hannah were like when i was at hers. We started watching the first episode of Firefly before i decided it would be best if i made my way home since it was getting late and i had revision to do for an exam on Monday *bites nails*!

Chris and Ave graciously walked me to the station. Even having been there a few times i cant remember how to get back to the station. Whilst walking there i asked them if they were actually going out with one another to which they replied what i expected. Yes. Which i was happy about as you can imagine.

Once again i got a late train which took ages, i left at 10:44, expecting to get back into Newcastle at 11:44, which should have let me get a bus, sadly it didn't so i had to fork out for a taxi home... WHY didn't i just stay over >.
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