read all the way through for important party info and a couple of laughs

Jul 30, 2006 11:17

The patio bustled with elfin activity as Malfoy Manor put on it's Aires-- and it absolutely glistened. The massive crystal punch bowl was nearly brimming over the sides with the pink froth and smoke of punch, matching crystal goblets lined up neatly beside it on the long serving table. More serving tables held finger sandwiches, salad, cheese ( Read more... )

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_harry_p_ July 30 2006, 21:45:27 UTC
Getting off of the ship hadn't been difficult at all ( ... )


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 21:55:03 UTC
He'd been walking from the livingroom and back to the patio when, in the foyer, Harry appeared, a little sooted and lost looking. It's not that he was surprised, which he was not. He was just.

"Potter?" Draco put on his air of confidence and strolled by, without procrastinating on giving Harry a nice once-over with his probing eyes.

"How good of you to show up."


_harry_p_ July 30 2006, 22:00:07 UTC
"You invited me," Harry answered simply, sounding as though Draco shouldn't have expected anything else.

He watched Draco's eyes as they fell, trying to see where he was looking by using the reflection in his eyes, although his eyelashes made it impossible.

"Am I early?" he asked, noting that there weren't many others around yet.


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 22:02:57 UTC
"They're out by the pool." Draco's gaze stopped on Harry's sandals and blinked, then looking back up to note how Harry had followed his eyes. He arched a brow.

"You did bring a swim suit?"


_harry_p_ July 30 2006, 22:07:13 UTC
Harry shook his head without hesitation.

"Didn't have a chance. I guess I could swim in these," he considered, looking down to his shorts with a slight frown before looking up.

"Unless you think you have something I could fit into?" He had a strange urge to smirk a bit. Draco's build was slender, although they were only swimming trunks, right?


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 22:16:49 UTC
Draco made no attempt to hide it as he blatantly stared at Harry's waist and thighs.

"I may have something," he spoke, as he sized up the other boy. His hand went out and he pulled Harry into a 180 with fingers that denied any refusal, glancing down at his bum.

"Hm." Was all he said as he moved from Harry and towards the main staircase. "Follow me."


_harry_p_ July 30 2006, 22:23:31 UTC
Following behind, Harry's eyes scanned over the walls they passed as well as the furniture and elegant decorations. He hardly ever felt any envy for material things before in his life, but he had to admit, the Slytherin had quite a life set out for him.

Harry had a feeling that his snobbish, prissy behavior wasn't put on at all - it was hard to imagine growing up any other way surrounded by all this opulence.

He followed in silence, however, and only stopped walking when Draco paused in front of him.


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 22:40:15 UTC
"I will shank you."

Draco spoke to the elf guarding his bedroom and, completely unstartled, the elf moved obediantly out of the way. It snapped it's fingers and the door clicked, opening a crack. Draco grabbed the knob and pulled it open.

"This is my suite of rooms." He said to Harry as he left the door open just wide enough for Harry to fit through.

Opened to Harry was something truely opulent. There were fine green hangings over the tall windows, letting in just enough light to see large framed mirrors and paintings on his walls, a dark hardwood floor, matching desk and dressers and vanity [with assortment of hair products], more hangings that sectioned off the other rooms, and a very large bed, also with green hangings but made of a thicker material.

Draco didn't seem to notice any of it as he went right for his dresser and pulled open the second drawer. He riffled through it, searching for something Harry could wear.

"Sit wherever you like." He threw absently behind his shoulder as he continued looking.


_harry_p_ July 30 2006, 22:48:47 UTC
Harry was already busy looking around the room - half-admiring the undeniably "Draco" look to the room, and half-wondering if anything like this could possibly be necessary.

One hand reached out to a nearby drapery, and he caught the fine material between his thumb and fingers. It was a better fabric than anything Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia had ever had, and certainly better than anything they had at Hogwarts.

He wasn't interested in sitting, and rather than following the suggestion as he normally would have done, he followed Draco across the room until he was leaning his weight on one hip just a few feet behind him. His hands were shoved comfortably into his pocket, and he watched the other boy sift through the clothes.

"How many pairs do you have?"


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 22:58:47 UTC
"One for every day of the week." He laughed, self satisfied. "And one for those days between. Ah-"

Draco grabbed a pair of dark green shorts from the drawer. He held the waist with both hands and shook out some wrinkles before holding it at arms' length to the other boy.

"They've got a stretchy waistband, they should fit." He scrunched his nose.

"Not that you're fat. You've got bigger bones than me." Draco smiled innocently and pointed in the direction of a small set of curtains.

"Bathroom's that way."


_harry_p_ July 30 2006, 23:08:39 UTC
Grinning to himself, Harry took the shorts without commenting on the fact that Draco had actually avoided insulting him for a change - something that was rather rare, but appreciated.

Slipping behind the curtains, Harry worked steadily at sliding his shorts to the floor in order to replace them with Draco's trunks, but he didn't bother to hurry. He figured the Slytherin would wait, since he didn't see Draco leaving him in his "suite of rooms" on his own.

"So who else is here already?" he called through the curtains.


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 23:34:57 UTC
Noticing Harry had let the bone joke slip, he sneered.

"A few, actually. A group of Hufflepuffs went off drunk into the woods that I know of, and mostly people i'm not familiar with." Draco paused for thought.

"And a few Slytherins, is all."


_harry_p_ July 30 2006, 23:46:50 UTC
"Good," Harry answered, promptly stepping back out into the room and between the curtains as he finished pulling the trunks into place over his hips.

He let the elastic snap as he did so and grinned again. "So basically nobody I'll have to deal with. I don't even want to think about Hufflepuffs who are smashed, and the Slytherins are easy enough to ignore."

He paused. "Some of them at least- anyway, what do you think? Enough to cover my big bones?" he asked, barely suppressing a much less innocent grin.


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 23:58:21 UTC
Draco kept a mild smile and neutral eyes as they raked down exposed chest and shoulders.

"Not so sure." He said, walking towards Harry but keeping to the side so as to circumnavigate him.

"Need to have some comfort room." He spoke ironically as he hooked a finger into the back of the shorts and pulled out the waistband, fast enough for a nice snap and a quick peak.

"Yeah, that'll do." He grinned and made to leave.


_harry_p_ July 31 2006, 00:04:35 UTC
Harry laughed once, shooting his gaze sideways to watch as Draco started to walk away. He had no proper comeback to that, although it bothered him very little.

The entire exchange between them so far had been easier than any other conversation he'd tried to hold recently. It was leagues better than having Padma paw and pout at him, and it was loads more interesting than trying to pretend he was interested in what Hermione had to tell him on the ship.

Harry turned to follow, leaving his clothes on the floor and walking just quick enough that he would be able to make up for the head-start Draco had on him already.


_draco_m_ July 31 2006, 00:39:52 UTC
Draco wasn't facing Harry when he spoke, leading them out through the East Wing of the Manor,

"Anyone ever tell you that green suits you?" Draco said casually, throwing a glance to the elf to silently order the locking of his bedroom doors.

They moved through the halls of the malfoy's castle, Draco taking fleeting and feigned interest in the portraits of ancient Malfoy's, who leered and sneered like the best of them. And the occasional few who had died recently, those who strained their eyes in the dim light, hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of this stranger's forehead, as the potraits had seen them go into Draco's suite and they had seen.. had they seen?.. already starting the buzz of commotion, and the wheels were set in motion.

"It brings out your eyes."


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