read all the way through for important party info and a couple of laughs

Jul 30, 2006 11:17

The patio bustled with elfin activity as Malfoy Manor put on it's Aires-- and it absolutely glistened. The massive crystal punch bowl was nearly brimming over the sides with the pink froth and smoke of punch, matching crystal goblets lined up neatly beside it on the long serving table. More serving tables held finger sandwiches, salad, cheese ( Read more... )

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>.> <.< blaise_brightly July 30 2006, 21:37:32 UTC
It was with faintest suspicions lurking around the back of his mind that Blaise considered the VIP pass he had been sent and debated.

There wasnt anything really to worry about when it came to Malfoy...

And it was hot enough to want to swim and he was sure Theo would enjoy it.

Decided, Blaise winked and smirked at Theo, and threw a handful of floo powder into the fire. "Malfoy Manor," he directed clearly, and whooshed away through the fireplace, devoutly threatening the soot with no little punishment if it dared ruin his shirt.


_theo_nott_ July 30 2006, 22:05:07 UTC
Following shortly after his boyfriend, Theo stepped through to see Blaise giving his shirt a fleeting gaze to confirm it was still in the condition it was before he had gone through. Theo smirked, and took a step closer.

"Looks perfect as always," he told him, and lifted a hand to needlessly smooth the material over his shoulders. "Now let's find the others."

Taking his hand, he began strolling through the manor, searching out any voices he might hear until he heard a few coming from the pool. Draco and Tracey were already inside, and Theo did a quick mental check to be sure he really wanted to make an appearance at all.

Deciding it was only polite now that they had shown up, he applied a bit more pressure in his hand and moved toward the others.


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 22:12:01 UTC
Draco heard the patio doors slide open and turned from his seat on the edge of the water. Seeing Blaise and Theo step through made him grin.

"Glad you could make an appearance, boys." There was a twinkle in his eye as he turned back towards Tracey. Still addressing them, however, he continued.

"Open wet bar, free drinks. Plan on swimming I take it?"


blaise_brightly July 30 2006, 22:24:23 UTC
"Of course," Blaise replied politely. "The invite said to bring swimwear, after all. Looks like you're expecting more people though. Are we early?"

He barely spared Tracey a glance, focusing instead on Malfoy and the pool which was looking incredibly inviting.


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 22:43:32 UTC
"Only a little. There was a group who spent too much time at the bar, got ridiculously pissed, and went stumbling off past the torchlight." Draco shrugged, a grin creeping up towards his lips.

"We'll find them in the morning if the wolves don't find them first."


_theo_nott_ July 30 2006, 22:52:21 UTC
"We can only hope," Theo answered with a light smirk, and then angled his eyes to Blaise.

"Ready to swim then?" he asked, unable to fully hide the innocent antipation hiding in his expression. His fingers were already working to deftly remove the shirt he was wearing, and his feet easily slid out of his shoes so that he could remove the pants that were covering his swimwear.

"Don't mind if we join you now, do you?" he asked as a second-thought, turning his attention back to Draco.


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 23:03:01 UTC
"Please," Draco said, ever a humble host, and he sent them a grin.

"The elves might charm it warmer later tonight when it gets cooler but right now it's pretty cold." He warned them as he slid his bum from the tiles and with a glunk, was submersed in it. Surfacing,

"Bloody hell!" And he proceeded in doing a little underwater damn that water is cold! dance.


blaise_brightly July 30 2006, 23:22:39 UTC
Blaise blinked at the blonde boy, glancing at Theo for a second before shrugging and starting to unbutton his own shirt. "Aren't you the boss? You could just order them to charm it now..."

...Specially since he didnt like cold water.

Toeing off his sandals, he moved close enough to dip one foot in the water.

...Yep. It was cold.

"You can get in first, Theo, I'll... join you in a minute."

When he had regained his courage, anyway.


_theo_nott_ July 30 2006, 23:27:08 UTC
Giving a sideways smirk at his boyfriend, Theo debated between shoving him in or just going into the water himself. In the end, he opted to leave his boyfriend the dignified option for now.

"Have it your way, Blaise," he answered, and then turned toward the water. Scanning the depth markings, he made sure it was at least deep enough before diving into the water at a flat angle so as not to hit the bottom.

It was cold, but it felt amazing, and Theo smiled when he broke the surface and shook his wet hair back. "There, it's not so bad," he lied, carefully holding off any visible shivers, "get in."


_draco_m_ July 30 2006, 23:47:31 UTC
Draco had stopped dancing and was maybe perhaps kinda sorta shivering a little. Slightly. Bah, he's a ridiculous bitch.

"It's too hot for warm water. But you can get in the jacuzzi if you want to?" He offered, hanging onto the side of the pool and trying to soak up the warmer summer air before going back in it.

"I was going to have the elves fix the bubble charm in it but the fizzing whizzbies work better, I think."

He clenched his teeth to keep from chattering, but he would adjust to it soon enough, anyway.


_torturedslyth_ July 31 2006, 03:27:33 UTC
"Aw, that's cute. You look like you've just jumped in the artic, Draco," Tracey laughed, swimming over to the boys after she decided it really didn't matter if it would be awkward or not.

"Hey guys. Glad you came."

She was only being polite. Draco said no drama. She was sticking to that.


_draco_m_ July 31 2006, 03:33:34 UTC
"Oh no Tracey, you're so cute." He spat, narrowing his eyes on her with a grin.

"A drink will warm us up, I think. What will it be, boys?" He looked pointedly at Tracey and smirked, just before he pushed his palms against the outside of the pool and pushed himself up to his feet, walking over to the bar.


_torturedslyth_ July 31 2006, 03:40:26 UTC
Tracey gave him a look that clearly said 'you're so going to get it for that' just before he pulled himself out of the pool. She laughed and shook her head, swimming over to the side of the pool so that she could pull herself out as well and sit on the side to warm herself in the sun, her feet still dangling in the water.

It really was freezing.

"Bring me more vodka, love!" she called to him, then turned back to the boys.

"How was your summer?" she asked, smiling at both of them. She hadn't actually talked to either of them in person for months.


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