Jan 14, 2004 17:51
I've been neglecting my journal lately. I've been so busy with all these freakin' projects. Finally got the history presentation out of the way... girls we did kick ass. We have to post those pictures. Tonight I'm going to Janelle's to work on ANOTHER project. I'm actually looking forward to exams just to get away from all these presentations.
I miss Gilles. We haven't hung out since Sunday :( But Sunday was incredible by the way. We went skating with Jenn, Paul and Dan. Too bad my skates were too small and were murdering my feet, because I was having so much fun out there with him. We played a bit of hockey... haha he kept trying to pass to me but I missed it everytime. He even had hot chocolate and soup and everything. It was so cute. We're going back there sometime just the two of us. Friday night was even better. He picked me up after he got off work, so I got to see him in his uniform. Damn. All I gotta say. He made us Shirley Temples (with a lemon!) and he lit some candles and we watched Finding Nemo. The poor child hadn't seen it yet. I know he loved it... haha especially Dory. We are going to do that again soon and watch Shrek, because he hasn't seen that one either. Today he called and offered to come over to shovel our driveway. That has got to be the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my life. I'm sad because he's going to Cape Breton this weekend and we won't get to hang out. *sighs* I better see him soon because that boy is the only thing that keeps my sanity.
So today is Jenn and Paul's 1 year. Haha I think I was more excited today than they were. He brought her roses and everything. They have got to be the coolest couple I know. We came up with the best idea EVER, didn't we Jenn? Haha what can I say, we're brilliant. And bad ;) Valentine's Day herrrrrrrre we come.
Anyways, gotsta get ready for my lover. (Janelle)