The Survey
Name: can call me Eve or Evy, although that isn't exactly what I’m usually called. That's okay, though. Lately, I’ve been going by those two names a lot.
Nick Names: Oh boy, I have a TON of nicknames. Let’s see...some include Yun-Yun or Ichigo/Ichijo, Amaya, Dark, the Towering Column of Evil (courtesy some of my best friends. It’s a long story), Marianne, and "Nerf.” Don't ask me about that last one, ask my sister. On second thought, don't do that either.
Age: 17 (yay!)
Do you want to be voted as boy/girl/either? Hmm. You know, I don't care if I'm voted one or the other. I like surprises!
What are some of your likes, hobbies, and interests? I love to read and sleep (those two are tied for my number one hobby), and I like drawing, music (vocal, classical, instrumental-I play the piano and the French horn-rock, and pop. I mostly like rock), singing, theater, musicals, the arts, dance (ballet/jazz/Irish/African Jazz/Latin/whatever-I just like dance a lot), reading manga, watching anime (some anime are much better than others are), DDR, Rock Band, and Guitar Hero III. I like a lot of things, and they’re all really different.
Dislikes and/or Pet Peeves? I absolutely loathe fake people. I also hate squeaky shoes, people singing out of tune, romance novels and movies, rap music, and a number of other things. It depends on my mood. I dislike more things than I mentioned above when I’m tired or irritable.
What are your strengths? I’ve always thought I was clever and intelligent, since I do pretty well in school and I’m really sneaky (and good at hiding things). I’m also a good musician, and I think I have a nice voice for singing in choir and for singing solo vocal pieces too. I’m intensely loyal to my friends and am always willing to take time to stop and listen to them and do whatever I can to help them if they’re having problems. I’ve heard myself mentioned as “that girl who puts your problems before her own” a few times, probably not exactly in those words, but that’s what I try to do. I’d like to think I’m good at it. I’m also good with manipulating computers and fixing little technology problems.
Now, what are your weaknesses? I have a temper and if you know how to push my buttons, I can get very angry very quickly. I’m very reckless and tend to act first, think later, which has gotten me into DEEP trouble in the past. It wasn’t very fun. I’m extremely impulsive, like I mentioned before, and I’m a bit of a rebel against conventional things like my parent’s rules and society’s expectations for me as a female...but anyway, I’m more of the “dark side” to my best friend’s “light side.” Angel and devil, that’s us, and I’m the latter of the two.
Describe yourself in three words. Creative, reckless, protective.
What type of video games do you enjoy playing? Ooh! I absolutely LOVE Rock Band and Guitar Hero III-they are my favorite video games of all time. My sister and I also enjoy playing those Harry Potter-based games that PlayStation’s put out, like the Quidditch World Cup one and Harry Potter 3 and 4...they can be confusing, but they’re mostly easy and loads of fun to play with another person. There are lots of things to laugh at. I’m not exactly the best gamer, so I like easier games. I still can’t beat that car-racing game I got for Christmas a long, long time ago...It’s kind of sad.
Who is your favorite .hack// character from the games or the animes? I really, really like Ouka and Hotaru, from the “Legend of the Twilight” storyline. Ouka is amazing and she totally kicks butt as a wolf, and Hotaru reminds me a little bit of myself (ha, a foreign exchange student. That brings back memories).
What class (wave master, twin blade, etc.) would you be in the .hack// Universe? What are the choices again? Hah, no, just kidding. Probably twin blade, because they're pretty cool. Wavemasters are neat too...I can't decide!
Dreams? Right now, I want to go to medical school and become an orthopedic surgeon, but I don’t know if I’ll really do that with my life. Ever since I was little, I’ve wanted to be a musician or a singer, a writer, an artist, an actress, a pilot...I want to be a lot of things I’m pretty sure I’ll never be. I also want to find a cure for cancer and AIDS and live through my current calculus class in school with a good grade. I want to change my life to what I want it to be, not what I want to do. In my case, there’s a huge difference. It’s a long story. I have always wanted to fly, both with a plane or a glider and under my own power. Maybe someday it’ll be possible.
Ideal place to live? Tokyo! I really want to go to Tokyo someday, and I want to go and live in London and Toledo when I’m older. London’s sweet.
Favorite food? I love chocolate-dark chocolate is the best. I like my mother’s spaghetti and all of her cooking, any dessert, kielbasa, brats, Italian food, and Asian food. I especially love Thai and Filipino food. YUM! Darn, I made myself hungry. Hmm, steamed dumplings sound good right now...
Favorite color? I like a lot of colors, but I like purple, blue, red, and black best. I don’t exactly look good in them (well, except blue and black), but I’ve liked them for a long time. I also like green and turquoise and silver and...
If you saw a stray kitten or puppy on the street, what would you do? I would pick it up and take it home with me to give it a bath and a meal. If it belonged to someone, I would give it back, but if it were a wild one, I would keep it for myself! I love cats-my family and I had two of them for a long, long time and I miss them quite a lot. I like dogs too, but you have to walk them. I’ve been considering training my dog (if I ever get one) to use a litter box...
Picture this: you're walking through the mall, and a total stranger starts walking and talking next to you. How would you react? I would be really freaked out, but I would try to act normal. I’d think, “Maybe it’s some person from school who’s in one of my classes, or from choir, or from something around town, or...” I’m bad with names and faces, so I’d think I had just forgotten who they were. I’d be wary, but try to act friendly and pretend I know them. That would be an awkward situation.
Your dream fight comes around, how would you battle? I would probably fight with a broadsword, a bow, or a glaive. Glaives are AMAZINGLY cool, in my opinion. Combine a spear without a spearhead with a sickle, add perfect weight balance, and widen the’ve got a glaive! Since I’m short, any pole arm would probably be best for me, as I could be overpowered by size when fighting with a sword and a pole arm can give me a longer, deadlier weapon range. If I had the option of using magic, I would use that too, because I’ve always liked fantasy and magical fighting and all that. Basically, magic, a bow, and a glaive would be my weapons of choice. (Capes are always dramatic and fun. Cool outfits are a necessity as well. Who wants to win if you look like crap? I think it’d be embarrassing.)
Anything else we, the raters, should know? There’s not much to say. Perhaps you’d like to know little bit more about me? So: I’m a female high school student and I'm a very avid fantasy book fan. I like manga better than anime and the sad thing is I've kind of fallen out of love with anime. I used to like it a LOT and now it's all the same, with a few exceptions. I like cherries and peaches very much, and I love everything from Wisconsin. I like cheese quite a bit. My favorite authors are Diana Wynne Jones, Tamora Pierce, and Elizabeth Haydon. I just recently read my first Orson Scott Card book, Ender’s Game, and I LOVED it. I had been meaning to reading it for years (ever since middle school, actually) and I only got around to it last week! As of this moment, my hands are very cold. My hands and feet get really cold when I’m sitting and typing for a long time.
Do you have any ideas on how we could make this survey better? Not really-you have some very original questions! I liked filling it out and it was fun to ponder the different question options. If you need some more people to rate on other people’s surveys, I’ve seen a few rating communities that ask new members to vote on a certain number of other posts before submitting their survey. Just an idea, certainly not an original one, but an idea all the same, I suppose.
Who told you or where did you hear about this community?
It’s been quite a while, but I think I found you from either a Fullmetal Alchemist rating site or dnangel_rating. I think I did the DNAngel one, and I think I might have found the link to this community on that one. Yeah, I’m sure that’s where I found the link.
Finally, post a clear picture or describe yourself. Well, here’s a link to one…or one, same difference…