A lot of this is copy pasta from another application I did. I'm lazy. :)
The Survey
Name: Cecile
Nick Names: Cici, Cecilio, Sissy, Cecil, Silly, and a few more...
Age: 15
Do you want to be voted as [boy/girl/either]? Don't care.
What are some of your likes, hobbies, and interests? The super amazing :D smiley, drawing badly, cooking badly, CAPS LOCK TURNED ON, music, boxers (lol), thunderstorms, video games, Underworld (the band), fruit, flowers, almost all colors (minus black and purple), math, science stuff, eyes, and about a hundred other things.
Dislikes and/or Pet Peeves? Loud and sudden noises, being proven wrong, excessive swearing, rudeness, smelly children, being ignored/neglected, heights, pathetic high school drama, silly discrepancies, being picked on, invaded privacy, being told what to think/how to feel, stupid people (+1000 points for me and my originality), winter, snow, and tomatoes. Oh, and when people mope and complain too much. It's just a waste of time, honestly. Mopey emo kids just get in the way, especially when they're so NEEDY for attention.
What are your strengths? I like to think of myself as a very friendly person. I like talking to people, and helping them out~ I can be shy when you first meet me, but after you get to know me, you'll find out that I'm really obnoxious, yet funny. 8D I like to clown around A LOT, and tease my friends. (In a nice way, don't worry) I have a lot of self-confidence, and I rarely think that I'm not good enough. I'm also a bit mature at handling situations. I never overreact or get too stressed about something. I do tend to over think, but that saves me from being impulsive or irrational. I GUESS I'M PRETTY SMART, TOO. D: Or, that's what people tell me. I'm good at solving puzzles and equations. My grammar and spelling skills, on the other hand...
Now, what are your weaknesses? Like I said, I over think things. I can be pretty indecisive, which I understand is a really annoying trait. Also, I can't take critique well. Positive critique can make my ego a hundred times bigger than it should be, while negative critique can make me extremely bitter for a period of time. Lastly, when I'm in a bad mood, I can be really, really mean. I usually submit to extreme derision and/or sarcasm, and I can sometimes be a little harsh. :/
Describe yourself in 3 words. Friendly narcissistic clown. :[
What type of video games do you enjoy playing? RPGs~ Oh, and first-person shooters. YEAYUH.
Who is your favorite .hack// character from the games or the animes? Hmm. I love sooo many characters. My favorites would have to be Kuhn, Saku and Antares.
What class (wave master, twin blade, etc.) would you be in the .hack// Universe? I'm more familiar with R:2, sooo... I'd either like to be a Flick Reaper or a Tribal Grappler, for different reasons. The Flick Reaper skills are really cool-looking and fun to use, but using fists to attack is also pretty bad ass.
Dreams? To make many good friends, and to just enjoy life. Oh, and I wanna be successful and make lots of money. ;D
Ideal place to live? Oregon~ Or, anyplace where there isn't snow for at least 5 months, unlike a certain place I currently reside. *coughminnesotacough*
Favorite food? Fried calamari, I guess. Or most fruit. I love fruit.
Favorite color? Green.
If you saw a stray kitten or puppy on the street, what would you do? I'm not good with animals. D: And if it was a stray, I'd automatically think it would bite me and give me rabies if I dared to get near it.
Picture this: you're walking through the mall, and a total stranger starts walking and talking next to you. How would you react? Oh god, I'd be EXTREMELY uncomfortable, but I'd be really polite and talk with them. But I'd try hard to make the conversation end by saying something like "Oh, my phone's ringing... I HAVE TO GO WALK OVER THERE NOW AND TAKE THIS CALL. :D;;" Hopefully they'd leave me alone, because random people at the mall who talk to strangers are usually part of a cult. (Hey, I'm paranoid.)
Your dream fight comes around, how would you battle? I'd be the main fighter who runs in and ATTACKS WITH HER FISTS OF STEEL, or whatever weapon I choose to use, and never gives up. :D I'm pretty adventurous, so I wouldn't really hold back much.
Anything Else we, the raters, should know? No.
Do you have any ideas on how we could make this survey better? More in-depth questions, I guess? But really, it's fine the way it is.
who told you or where did you hear about this community? I suddenly got really interested in stamping communities, so I searched for one that related to .hack. :)
Finally, post a clear picture or describe yourself: No pictures, sorry. :D Um, I'm 5'5", average weight, pale... I have short, light-brown hair and green eyes. I'm sort of funny looking, but not in a bad way.