The Survey
Name: Amy
Nick Names: Amy-chan, Amy Cat
Age: 22
Do you want to be voted as [boy/girl/either]? Girl
What are some of your likes, hobbies, and interests? My hobbies include playing video games, Knitting, Customizeing my little ponys, Anything crafty, drawing, sewing, and Cosplaying.
Dislikes and/or Pet Peeves? Liers I cants stand them.
What are your strengths? Leading. Ive always been a good person to lead projects and groups that i am in.
Now, what are your weaknesses? I will never let anyone know when i have problems. I want to be seen as a strong person so i never let anyone know.
Describe yourself in 3 words. Mature, Honest, Trustworthy
What type of video games do you enjoy playing? RPGs
Who is your favorite .hack// character from the games or the animes? Subaru and Krim. They were my favorite from the start and I havent found any charicters that I like more than them.
What class (wave master, twin blade, etc.) would you be in the .hack// Universe? Heavy Axe deffinitally.
Dreams? To be a well known artist
Ideal place to live? Not the city but not the country eaither. a middle ground would be nice.
Favorite food? Orange Chicken and white rice ^_^
Favorite color? Pink, black, turqouis
If you saw a stray kitten or puppy on the street, what would you do? I would take it home and care for it.
Picture this: you're walking through the mall, and a total stranger starts walking and talking next to you. How would you react? I would probally be a little freaked out. Im not one for talking to random people I dont know im malls.
Your dream fight comes around, how would you battle? blah.. im not much of a fighter.
Anything Else we, the raters, should know? hmmm not that i can think of at the moment
Do you have any ideas on how we could make this survey better? No i think the survey is fine
who told you or where did you hear about this community? Just found it randomly when looking up .hack
Finally, post a clear picture or describe yourself:
This is the only good picture i could find thats not .hack cosplay lol. Im in a dress im wearing for a valentines dinner.