We are the Music Makers...

May 06, 2004 18:25

We are the dreamers of dreams...Sorry, song I have stuck in my head. Okay, lets see if I'll remember to write all the stuff I wanted to write about.

Mon: Nothing much. I think that's when I finally got to see Jay and Silent Bob strike back. Not sure.

Tues: REALLY should have gone skating, but I had my first music lesson. I thought it was going to be horrible, but it actually turned out quite well. Corwin managed to get his cellphone stolen from right in front of him. -glare- We're currently tracking down the kid.

Wed: FINALLY got my birthday sushi lunch. WONDERFUL! God, just thinking about it is making my mouth water. At the end of the meal, I ordered a Tempura Ice-cream. One of the best deserts EVER! So good. I thought "Deep fried ice-cream?", but it was actually very good. And NOT melted. Oh, and I got "Assassin's Quest", the book I've been wanting forever!

Thur: Today! I just finished watching Unusual Suspect with Sandra. God, I love that movie so much. The end just gives me chills. Much homework to do(Project on the Catholic Church. We're supposed to state our oppinions on it[whoo boy]. Also, a project on the Brain. Dull.), but I'm going to reply to Kat's e-mail!

Another competition on Sunday. ARG! I haven't gotten nearly enough practice! Anyway, off to my e-mails and then to finish my current book, "Dalamar the Dark". -sigh- How I love Dragonlance.

OH, before I forget. To clear up any questions on the whole Me/Kat singing thing, I was thinking of doing the concert on Monday. It's a holiday and I'm guessing there won't be any church. -crosses fingers- That would be May 31st for all you lose-o's out there. ^.^
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