Apr 25, 2004 21:01
Yesterday was the YMP orientation. I totally bombed the music theory test. The funny thing is, I knew I would. It was actually, rather hilarious. This guy plays this cord and asks us to name the interval. WHAT?! I don't know! And then he asks us to name the roman numeral for it. How am I supposed to know? That was just for the hearing test. Then we got the second part of the test. Write a D minor triad on the great staff. AHHHH! I just wrote a little triangle of notes. I had no idea what I was doing. The only thing I could do, was count notes and put barlines in the music.
Heh, then I had the piano test. This guy asks me if I can play the piano. HAH! Yeah right! Then he asks if I can play anything. Erm, mary had a little lamb? The only thing I could do is find middle C. Later he asked me what pieces I had played recently. Haven't we gone through this? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO! Gah, that was annoying. Anyway, so orientation didn't go too well. At least I wasn't the only one who felt like a newbie. I saw five other people who didn't even finish the second level. (That consisted of half notes and regular[thank god] intervals)
Today I went over to Kat's house. We're going to do Cranes over Hiroshima at Baycon. It sounds really awesome. Both of us learned the prayer differently. It turns out that we both learned it with a mixture of harmony and melody. Perfect! On the first time singing it together, we did harmony with each other. It's really awesome. Anway, later on I went to her church. I learned all the choir songs in about an hour and a half. Then I sang in the choir during mass. That was pretty cool.
I love Sandra. I get home and am greeted with my favorite dimpson. Awesome. She's truly the coolest person in the universe. Well, off to homework for me. Night.