The car had been taken to Savannah, GA. One of the guys up at the shop says I'm probably never gonna see that damn car ever again. So, 2new cars are in order for my family. My parents are getting anal again about me staying out 2nights in a row. I told them flat out that I'm moving in with Tim at the end of this year. They want me to get my GED first, of course. So that's what I'm getting, and then getting the fuck out.
The way I've figured it. I make almost $600/month. I can help with some of the bills and the groceries. I'll pay my own insurance for the 6months. Tim says it might go up from $500 to $600-$700 every 6months. Just getting Tim to trust me with his car is what's gonna slow me down. lol
Sometimes I feel like I'm home for the weekend when I go home. When I'm at Tim's, I feel at home.
My parents are so not ready for me to leave. It pisses them off to no extent that I'm turning 18 soon, and they've no way to keep me from leaving. All they have is their words.
Parents. | Me.
"How you gonna pay for this?" "I have a job."
"How you gonna pay for that?" "I'm not going to be alone."
"How are you gonna do that?" "I dunno, I'll find a way."
"You gonna continue school?" "Yes, but not till next year."
God, I'm so tired of going through that. They tell me I should go out. I go out, even decide to stay out of their way for 2days. Then I'm forced to come home.WHAT THE FUCK!