name: Kristin
age: 15
location: Sayreville NJ. Yeah, you'll never find it, but thats kinda the good thing about it.
formal lj:
xksoftballgrlxk. I presume that's what you mean by the question.
sex(female or male): Female. (Did someone honestly not know the answer to that questions that it was needed to be specified that the answer was eigther male or female? Haha. Thats would be hilarious.)
sexuality(girls, guys, both, undecided): Guys.
best friend: Liz Begonis. The koolest bizatch in the world. Shes over there at
always_his_girlfood: anything Italian. I grew up on the food, so anything ending in "-ini" isdgood with me! Linguini, Fettucini, anything of that nature.
drink: Water or Lemonade
lj family(if you have one:P): Definately my girls over at
sparkly_girls. It keeps me updated with everything in the gossip world.
animal: PENGUINS! (Did you hear about the "gay" ones in Germany? ROCK ON LITTLE SUIT DUDES!)
bands: Long list - Thursday . Taking Back Sunday . Brand New . My Chemical Romance . Yellowcard . Greenday . The Living End . Dashboard Confessionals . New Kids On The Block (THEY'RE A BAND...kinda) . Linkin Park . Senses Fail . Simple Plan . Bowling for Soup . Hoobastank . Sugarcult . Vertical Horizon . Switchfoot .
color(other than "i don't know"): GREEEN
movie: Moulin Rouge. Wow...but I always have to end it when the curtian closes so it has a happy ending.
tv show: One Tree Hill. It's where I get my drama fix.
tv character: Hard one...Um...I'd have to say Cartman from South Park. He's the only one who can say what the rest of the world is thinking without caring.
fruit: ORANGES! I can go through like three a day.
hobby: Color Guard. Its more of a sport I think. But, yes, it is the most amazing activity and I've made the best friends.
pepsi OR coke: Neigther, I gave up soda to loose weight. It hasn't worked =O(
chocolate OR vanilla: Chocolate. Plain strait up. Its the food of the gods.
black OR pink: Both! Go for the over used wanna be bad ass yet preppy girl wearing the dark brooding color with a strip of pink bubblyness. I know it might sound harsh, but actually I think it looks cute.
hate OR work it out: Work it out. Lifes too short to hold grudges.
church OR sleeping in bed: Sleeping in Bed. Sorry God, but I'm a busy girl.
cds OR radio: Eigther. Anything with music and a beat will keep me going.
christmas OR your birthday: Birthday! Its closer to the summer so I can to my beach house. I heart the beach. Plus, this year I'm going to see Wicked The Musical for my B day.
kittens OR puppies:Kittens. But dogs when they grow up. Actually...IDK. They're both sooo cuddly!
[your view's on...] *put more than one word. Please :)*
sex before marriage: I believe that, yes idealy you should wait for sex, since its definately something important, but I don't think that marriage signifies your in love and it will last for ever. Since over half the marriages end in divorce, I say have sex when you reached a mature age where you can comprehend what your doing. It should be about love. I know its usually not, but I think it should be.
gay marriage: I really don't see what the fuss is. I guess since I'm not very religious, I really don't mind if they're married in a church. But there should be a seperation of church and state, so I think that the government doesn't have a right to outlaw marriages. That should be up to the Church. But all in all, I think if two people are in love, then gender shouldnt matter. First it was race, then religion, now its gender. I think eventually people will finally understand that Love is Love, and you can't change that.
abortion: I don't think that a woman should have an abortion unless certain cases. One would be rape, and the other would be if the baby would be mentally defected because of a disease before birth. I'm sure there are many other cases, but I don't think that its a subject that should be taking lightly. You can't erase a child like a typo.
veiw on the homeless: I understand that everyone has problems financially, but I doubt that they're absolutely nothing they can do. I know its hard to find work, but theres always something or someone who can help, atleast there should be. And in that case, we need more people -cough- government -cough- to take control of the situation. Its their job to wind work for these people, as long as they're willing to work.
rape: I hate it. Itsd just the most foul thing in the world. Forcing someone into such an intimate act. Its the worst crime just behind murder.
cutting: I've had friends who cut, and I see what it does. Psychologically it can release the pain, the physically your just destroying your body. Talk to someone before physically harming yourself, there are other choices. You ALWAYS have a choice.
what can you bring to _dorks?: Um...a few yes votes on people's applications. I think that might be it. Maybe I can spark a few interesting conversations.
do you think you can get accepted?: Yes I do. I really don't see why not.
could you run over 10 mph?: I've never timed myself. Normall it takes me like 11 minutes to run one mile...how mny miles per hour is that? I don't feel like calculating.
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: A wood chuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
three sentences describing yourself: Kristin is loud. Kristin doesn't care what you think. Kristin is cooler that you and your mom combined. =O)
Tell us something we dont know about you: When I was little, I had a pet crab named joey.
Tell us something about you we need to know: I love my friends beyond belief. If you hurt one of them, I will beat you to death with a shovel. (A vague discolusre is nobody's friend.)
picture/pictures( and c'mon, at least ONE): Oh pictures yay!!!
And I'm done!