(no subject)

Feb 11, 2005 11:48

name: Sara
age: 17
location: Portsmouth, UK
formal lj: Jamdonut
sex(female or male): Female
sexuality(girls, guys, both, undecided) Mainly guys, kinda undecided =/

best friend: I don't really have a best friend. I'm not particularly fond of the term to be honest, every time I've had a 'best friend' they've stabbed me in the back so I kinda avoid the term now.
food: Curry :D
drink: Non-alcoholic? Probably Vanilla/Cherry coke. Alcoholic? Probably ... shots.
lj family(if you have one:P)N/A I'm afraid.
animal: Cat
bands: Maroon 5, Greenday, Rooster, Jimmy eat world.. anything and everything really =)
color(other than "i don't know"): Pink, black, silver/gray, most shades of blue and purple.
movie: Finding Nemo :D Er.. I really liked Dreamcatcher as well though I think I might be the only person ever who did ;) Anything Disney or very tame thrillers (I am a wimp :D)
tv show: Desperate housewives, ER
tv character: Abby Lockhart from ER (even though I probably spelt her name wrong :S)
fruit: Strawberry
hobby: Reading

pepsi OR coke: Pepsi but I drink more coke
chocolate OR vanilla: Chocolate
black OR pink: Pink
hate OR work it out: Life's too short for hate
church OR sleeping in bed: Sleeping in bed as I'm not very religious
cds OR radio: Radio
christmas OR your birthday: Birthday
kittens OR puppies: Kittens

[your view's on...] *put more than one word. Please :)*

sex before marriage: It's acceptable. I'm for it. Marrying someone and then having sex afterwards could prove a huge mistake - if you and your partner aren't sexually compatible it can put a great deal of strain on a relationship. Plus, and I hope this doesn't sound as bad as I think it might, but sometimes you do need to experiment - not cheat, not sleep around as such but have more than one sexual partner in your lifetime (though I'm not promoting sleeping around or one night stands.) But yeah, sex before marriage = ok in my opinion. :)

gay marriage: Just because the two people in love are the same gender, they can't marry? Uh, yeah. I completely hate how people can say it's wrong; two people are in love and should be allowed the same rights to marry as any straight couple should. There is no logical reason that can convince me otherwise.

abortion: I'm pro-abortion. I'm anti-using-it-as-contraception but if a woman is, for example, raped and without abortion a child would be born into a loveless home or the mother would suffer psychological damage then abortion should be available. I can't honestly say I completely agree with it though, there are parts of it that I do not agree with, like using it because they couldn't be bothered to get the morning after pill or condoms. Using it as a cheap alternative to living up to responsibilities is pathetic *shrugs*

veiw on the homeless: Some are homeless by choice, others because they have nowhere to go. Don't judge them just because they don't have a home, it may not be their fault.

rape: Is wrong. And giving people 5 years in fail for it is almost as bad. I think it's only about 5% of cases are reported and something like 1% go to court, where then the woman - or man - can be treated like a criminal for reporting a serious crime towards them. The statistics just show how taboo and difficult cases of rape are to allow justice to be found. And even worse is the statistics are even lower for male rape. The crime is wrong and the treatment of the victims highlight the injustices of the system. /rant

cutting: That's one thing I'll probably never understand. One of my very good friends online used to cut but she didn't do it for attention.. hell, I didn't even know about it until she stopped. But then one of my 'best' friends offline used to cut in order to show us all and try and get attention from it. Cutting, from what I've gathered, seems to be a very personal thing if you aren't doing it for attention, if you don't want anyone to know. I think it's horrible that the only way some people can feel is by causing pain to themselves but I would never go to a cutter and tell them they're stupid or pathetic. I wish people didn't because some scars never fade and it can be dangerous if you cut close to a vein/artery, but.. yeah. Did that make sense?

what can you bring to _dorks?: Me? I can bring plently of dorks, plus I think I'm pretty dorky too. And I'll be active? Heh.

do you think you can get accepted?: Stranger things have happened...

could you run over 10 mph?: Hahahaha! I can't even run 1mph!

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: More than me :P I'm super unfit.

three sentences describing yourself: I've got blonde hair with highlights. I'm kinda arguementative if I'm rubbed the wrong way. I sleep too much.

Tell us something we dont know about you: I smoke, which isn't very cool I know, but I hate how people try and ram anti-smoking lectures down my throat. If people have a problem, that's fine and I don't get defencive about it, but when someone keeps nagging.. I tend to get less-than-amused.

Tell us something about you we need to know: I'm having an explosion of RL troubles at the moment so if I disappear for a while, I'm sorry.

picture/pictures( and c'mon, at least ONE): I apologise for the poor quality and ugliness of moi ;)

Thanks =)

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