hahaha. im so tired right now. but i cant fall asleep. i dont know why. im weird like that.
anywho. i have some questions under my ever-so-creative lj cut and i think it'd be cool if
we could answer them (the members) and sorta get to know eachother...? haha
---Who's your biggest 'celebrity' crush?--
---Whats your all time favorite food?---
---If you could play one musical instrument, what would be it?---
---If there was one thing you could rewind back to, and do over, what would it be, and why?---
---Whats the stupidest thing youve ever done when youve gone out with friends?---
---Whats the funniest thing you've ever done..period..---
so yeah. thats about it. i'll answer these tomorrow seeings how my brain is...i cant think of the word.
but its not smart enough at one am to figure that junk out. :o) bye