Name: cassey
Age: 14
Birthday: may 14 1990
Star sign: tarus, sorry me cant spel good
Sexuality: straight
Bands: nirvana, tantric, linkin park, jack off jill, flogging molly, five iron frenzey, green day, the used, new found glory....and bunches of others
Movie: napoleon dynamite!!!!!!!!!! and nightmare before christmas...and who can forget....finding nemo!!!
Book: hmmmm lotr
Curse word: hmm i mostly use eaither shit or damn but i make up my own theres shoomfa, and skweeble
Color: neon colors
Game: galaga and ddr
Celebrity: i dont have many favorite celebritys
Song: no news is good news
Sport: track, tennis, hockey, karate, foootball, basketball,softball,soccer...i like all sports
Suicide/Self Abuse: i think that everyone was meant to live for a purpose and its not right for us to not fufill what were living for by killing sorry if that made no sense but it makes sense to
Abortion: i think if it was rape than its ok but other than that i dont think its right
Drugs: only perscribed ones are good
Gay marriage: we should be free to love whoever
Love: confusing but it can also be good
The war on terrorism: were not getting rid of the terrorists we're making more by killing people!
Organized religion: people can have whatever religion they want if they choose
Music: what life without it :)
Do you smoke/drink/do drugs? nope
Do you write? If so, show some of your work: um yes sometimes but mosly i draw "you look at me but you cant seem to find the girl thats inside, whos trying to hide, from mistakes that shes made, shes starting to fade away" lol sadky thats the best ive ever written
Are you artistic? Show your work: um i guess i can be but i dont have any of my work saved on my computer..sorry
How many communities have you been accepted to? um i think 1 lol
How many communities have you been rejected to? lots lol im such a dork but thats ok!
Promote us to a person/community, show the link:
In your opinion, who is the most beautiful woman in the world? marilyn monroe
In your opinion, who is the most beautiful man in the world? johnny depp!
Name 3 things that make you dorky: mosly the way i act, my awesome frog shaped gloves and my awesome monkey toe socks and my awesome pin that says DORK written on it
What would you do if i were in your bed dressed up like a cupcake? teehee my dogs name is id try to eat you, and if you ran away i would hunt you down and roast you over the fire...wait...thats marshmellows
Why should you be accepted? cause im a dork, and dork is the only kind of cool!
this isnt really of my face but these are some of my aweseom socks
me making a funny face! lol teehee i made a funny
teehee i stuffed myself in my locker