Mar 30, 2005 12:48
so the band is going well. we already have 2 and a hlaf songs written after 6 practices so the shits going pretty well. if all goes as planned we should be playing out by june.
we are comprised of dan, steve, anthony and myself from darken the sky and we enlisted this dude eric from mass/manchester for drums(he fucking slays). the material is fucking so brutal, like i imagine mall people to immediately hate it, thats a good thing. the music cant really be jumbled into any of the oh so cliche hardcore genres. its alot metal with touches of grind, death metal, metalcore, and some melodic shit thrown in there.
im fucking so pumped. its very exhilarating to have a fully functional band again. the only real problem that we are trying to over come is a band name(typical). the only one that is on the table as of now is "the tortured and burning". if you dont like it than you're probably a gay scenester who is sooo elite that listening to it will make you reconsider being such a fag.