you look so far removed

Jul 11, 2004 12:55

ok, so this little ditty is a convo between me ( i am azfc....blahblah, im on carts s/n and carly's little friend lexie who used to like my brother who is mentioned, my brother's name is JORY not joey not jordan JORY. fuckers. yes it is an odd name, and it kicks your names ass like hardcore bitches. so i dont want hear anything about the name and dont ask me why its wierd. stolen from steph.) in any event, i like, it is funny. and i am clever ninja. enjoy

AZFCaveman: do you hav e a crush on me?
SexyLexie1345: no
SexyLexie1345: who is this?
AZFCaveman: carter
AZFCaveman: carly's bro
SexyLexie1345: o0o
SexyLexie1345: y u think i hav a crush on u
AZFCaveman: you're always checking me out and stuff
AZFCaveman: its weird
SexyLexie1345: i am?
AZFCaveman: i like you =
SexyLexie1345: no u dont
AZFCaveman: yes i do
AZFCaveman: please tell me you like me
AZFCaveman: i want to be with you
SexyLexie1345: but ur too old for me and thats weird
AZFCaveman: no its not
AZFCaveman: its ok
AZFCaveman: stranger things have happened
AZFCaveman: you cant deny our love lexie
SexyLexie1345: carter wat the heck r u talkin about?
AZFCaveman: im going to break up with jory
AZFCaveman: **jory
AZFCaveman: **jorys sister
SexyLexie1345: y
AZFCaveman: so that we can be together
SexyLexie1345: u guys r good together
SexyLexie1345: i hav a boyfriend
AZFCaveman: why do you say that?
SexyLexie1345: cause u just r
AZFCaveman: and i am way hotter than your bf, and hotter, and i can drive
SexyLexie1345: so
AZFCaveman: how are we good together?
SexyLexie1345: idk u just r
SexyLexie1345: dude is carly there wit ya?
AZFCaveman: no she is gone
AZFCaveman: its just you and me
AZFCaveman: so tell me that we belong together
SexyLexie1345: no
AZFCaveman: why
SexyLexie1345: cause ur lieing
AZFCaveman: i am going to leave her for you
SexyLexie1345: no dont
AZFCaveman: why
SexyLexie1345: cause ur just playing around
AZFCaveman: no im really not
SexyLexie1345: how would i know ur not lieing
AZFCaveman: you just have to believe me
AZFCaveman: are you going to tell jory that i am breaking up with kelli?
SexyLexie1345: no
AZFCaveman: see you are not going to get me in trouble, you must like me
SexyLexie1345: no thats just mean
SexyLexie1345: cause i know u like her
AZFCaveman: how do you know
SexyLexie1345: shes probly standing righ by u lol
AZFCaveman: nope
AZFCaveman: not now,
AZFCaveman: i got rid of her
AZFCaveman: shes at home or something
SexyLexie1345: right? lol
AZFCaveman: who cares where she is, all that matters is you and me
SexyLexie1345: right carter wat eva u say lol
AZFCaveman: i really like you and i think you like me too
SexyLexie1345: no in that way
AZFCaveman: im going to dumb kelli to be with you
AZFCaveman: *dump
AZFCaveman: make it worth it for me lexie, i know you liked jory, and i  am just as cool, if not cooler than him
AZFCaveman: we are perfect for eachother
SexyLexie1345: ya i liked jory but not anymore
AZFCaveman: so you can like me now
AZFCaveman: austin isnt right for you
SexyLexie1345: well i kinda do but not as much and austin
SexyLexie1345: how would u know
AZFCaveman: i just do, because im right for you, which means that he isnt
SexyLexie1345: as**
SexyLexie1345: ok this is just weird
SexyLexie1345: lol
AZFCaveman: im going to go, i will be back, i need to call kelli. next time i talk to you i will be singly
AZFCaveman: *single
SexyLexie1345: ok? lol
AZFCaveman: its all for you lexie
AZFCaveman: the deed is done
SexyLexie1345: sure
AZFCaveman: call and ask if you like
SexyLexie1345: its ok
SexyLexie1345: u prob hav her say that u did but u didnt
SexyLexie1345: lol
AZFCaveman: nope
AZFCaveman: its the truth
SexyLexie1345: ok lol
AZFCaveman: do you think shes mad?
SexyLexie1345: no
AZFCaveman: why not?
SexyLexie1345: well if u really did maybe
SexyLexie1345: lol
AZFCaveman: i wonder if shes crying
AZFCaveman: hahaha thats funny, i bet i made her cry
SexyLexie1345: ya me too crying of lagher
SexyLexie1345: laughter**
SexyLexie1345: cause of this joke
AZFCaveman: i dont think shes laughing.....
AZFCaveman: i told her she wasnt good enough for me
SexyLexie1345: that be really sad if u did
SexyLexie1345: and u think i am
AZFCaveman: i did
AZFCaveman: i do
AZFCaveman: you  are better than her
AZFCaveman: she is nothing
AZFCaveman: lexie, please,  say something
SexyLexie1345: k
AZFCaveman: you know its true
SexyLexie1345: that be cool but no
AZFCaveman: i never really liked her you know, i just went out with her so i could talk to jory, see if he still liked you
SexyLexie1345: does he?
AZFCaveman: trying to get info about you
AZFCaveman: thats not important
SexyLexie1345: does he?
SexyLexie1345: tell me
AZFCaveman: whats important is taht i used her for you lexie
AZFCaveman: ask him
SexyLexie1345: its ok
AZFCaveman: tell me that my confessions of love mean something to you
SexyLexie1345: sure?
SexyLexie1345: ur the one teasing me
AZFCaveman: how so?
SexyLexie1345: tellin me that u like me
AZFCaveman: i do
AZFCaveman: i broke up with kelli for you
SexyLexie1345: ...............
AZFCaveman: lexie will you be my girlfriend?
SexyLexie1345: im too young for u and u dont like me
SexyLexie1345: other wise it be different lol
AZFCaveman: yes or no?
SexyLexie1345: see if i say yes ull laugh think i like u and say jk and if i say no u'll keep sayin u do or say ur missing out or somethin like that
SexyLexie1345: other wise if i was ur age and u really did like me i would like u but other wise thats just weird
SexyLexie1345: lol
AZFCaveman: who cares about age?
AZFCaveman: i like you no matter how old you are, and who cares what other people say. we can hide it for a while, untill you go to high school, you can just hang out with carly alot and i can drive you guys places and stuff, just being with you would be enough for me
SexyLexie1345: ya
AZFCaveman: ya what?
SexyLexie1345: idk im confused lol
SexyLexie1345: i dont even know if carly likes me anymore we dont hang out that much and it sux
SexyLexie1345: she wit like different people now and we used to always hang out and i havent see her almost all summer
SexyLexie1345: so that would work either
SexyLexie1345: y arent u talkin now?
SexyLexie1345: ...................?
AZFCaveman: you've really hurt me lexie
SexyLexie1345: how?
AZFCaveman: i thought we could be together, but i see now that you were just stringing me along
AZFCaveman: i've made a horrible mistake
SexyLexie1345: no not really
AZFCaveman: i need to go call kelli
SexyLexie1345: ya by kiddin around wit me
AZFCaveman: omg
AZFCaveman: look what you did!
SexyLexie1345: even if i did like u u would like me
SexyLexie1345: and u know it carter
AZFCaveman: you make me think you liked me so that i would break up with kelli and now its all ruined
SexyLexie1345: right
AZFCaveman: just tell me, do you like me lexie
SexyLexie1345: due u would never go out wit a 13 year old
AZFCaveman: just tell me!
SexyLexie1345: if that wat u want then sure
AZFCaveman: no, i want you to be honest
AZFCaveman: i want an honest yes or no
SexyLexie1345: i think ur hott
AZFCaveman: but do you like me
SexyLexie1345: but ya
AZFCaveman: ya what lexie
AZFCaveman: say it all
AZFCaveman: in sentence form
SexyLexie1345: ...................
AZFCaveman: do you like me????!
SexyLexie1345: sure
AZFCaveman: no! an honest yes or no, thats all i ask
SexyLexie1345: yes i guess
SexyLexie1345: i would if u really did like me but i know ur kiddin
AZFCaveman: lexie i need your help
AZFCaveman: can you help me?
SexyLexie1345: help on wat?
SexyLexie1345: sure
SexyLexie1345: wat ya want
SexyLexie1345: ?
AZFCaveman: how do i get kelli back?
AZFCaveman: i need your advice
SexyLexie1345: tell her that u were just kidding around and would never go out wit a 13 year old and u really really like her or if u like her soo much love her then
AZFCaveman: i dont know if that will work
AZFCaveman: i made her really upset
AZFCaveman: she was crying
SexyLexie1345: say u'll do anything for her
SexyLexie1345: i donna
AZFCaveman: but thats a lie
AZFCaveman: is it ok to lie?
SexyLexie1345: not really
AZFCaveman: thanks lexie, i need to go get the love of my life back
SexyLexie1345: see told u u didnt like me in the first place lol
AZFCaveman: i just realized that i love her
SexyLexie1345: duh
AZFCaveman: im going to marry her
SexyLexie1345: koo
AZFCaveman: she is the best
SexyLexie1345: i think shes koo
AZFCaveman: me too
SexyLexie1345: hey does jory still like me?
AZFCaveman: go ask him
AZFCaveman: do it
SexyLexie1345: no its ok
SexyLexie1345: he probly doesnt anymore
AZFCaveman: good bye lexie, i will never forget our short but special relationship we just had
SexyLexie1345: ok carter lol

its great because she knows im kidding and she hardcore likes JORY. hahhahah my brother is a pimp better yet he is a mackdaddy.

word yo.

thats the longest thing i've seen all damn week.

<3hold me like you used to<3

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