
Jul 06, 2007 08:35

How did we get ourselves caught up in this?
First I got really angry and blamed Miranda, because even though I'd only met this girl once, Miranda begged me to catch up with Nadia because she was going through a really tough time. and in that sense, it's miranda's fault. but then, noone knew she was going to turn out to be a psycho! and miranda was just doing a nice thing for someone and I was the gullible idiot who scurried along to help out someone I don't know entirely well.
she's mental. at first we were all so sympathetic, "you poor thing, that's horrible. I can't believe what you've been through" but then as the lies got more and more outragious and less and less likely, and the mooching of our phones food money house etc became excessive, we all realised what a horrible mistake we had made. we know she's making at least 70% of it up, and she's consciously hinting that we give her money and we look after her and we let her live with us. but we can't. I can't. I feel like the victim now, because I can't do or say anything to make her leave. and I don't know what to do about it? I feel trapped.
She just takes my phone and makes phone calls and msgs for hours and then, and this was the icing on the proverbial cake of terror, she deleted all my msgs. every single one. there were some really nice ones in there from Nikki and mum which I would sometimes look at to boost my spirits, and she just goes and deletes them all. and there were msgs with phone numbers I hadn't gotten around to saving yet, now... gone.
I couldn't deal. not on top of everything else. I just felt like I was completely disabled, paralysed, as though it was all happening around me and I couldn't do a fucking thing to stop it. so I got stoned. so that I could at least sleep. now I'm at work dreading my return to the house, because I know she'll be there.
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