first things first...

Jun 25, 2007 08:11

I CANNOT stand this, I really can't. It's just one of those things that makes me cringe, Like Roy from IT crowd with the goat cheese, "I don't like goat's anything! I don't like goats involved in any stage of the food production process!"
But with me it's to do with the ever-pressing issue of intrusive phone conversations... makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it...
I'll set the scene:
You're all sitting in the lounge watching arrested development because the first season was on sale at borders and you couldn't NOT buy it. It's the episode with spring break, Gob making the yacht disappear, Kitty with the wak boob job, etc etc, and then ALL OF A SUDDEN, someones phone rings...
"bring bring!"
"bring bring!"
she answers "HIIIIIII! What's UP?"
and it goes on...
SO LOUD! and for some reason you think you should turn the volume of the television down so that it won't disrupt said conversation..... but then you think, "Why the fuck should I? there are PaLENTY of rooms in which this conversation could be had that DIDN'T disrupt my viewing pleasure... at LEAST 3 other rooms in fact. why are they still TALKING"
No one wants to hear the mundane going-ons of a one sided conversation (its only titled one sided as you can't hear the other person talking) seriously, and WHY MUST THEY INSIST ON INCLUDING US IN SOMETHING WE DON'T CARE ABOUT!!! ARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! It just reeeaallly gets to me. I don't know why people can't just take it outside. or somewhere else. It's not like we gain anything from listening to them talking to someone else whom we can't hear. in fact, I'd say its the opposite, as EVERYTIME someone does this to me, I die a little inside. and it happens a lot.
and there's my rant for the day. enjoy!
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