House Inspection!!!

Mar 28, 2007 13:24

I got soooo lost walking from the Dry Creek train stop to work. I ended up like 20 minutes further away than when I started. Note to self: find out where to go from unknown area next time. don't just 'wing it'. I ended up on Lower North Churchill road or something, and ended up having to call a co-worker to come pick me up. as I waited all these trucks and utes kept driving past with these old scary truckies staring at me like I was the hooker for the gepps cross industrial area. not good.

on another note we cleaned manically last night to make sure the house was gleaming for our inspection today. cam just emailed to say that the guy walked in for like 45 seconds gave us the thumbs up and then walked out. no "wow, what a spotless bathroom" or "whoever decorated this room must be an artistic genuis", nothin, nill, nadda, zilch. what a pratt! ..why I oughtta...?! but at least I don't have to clean again before the parentals come up on the weekend. woot!

MIRANDA GOT A JOB! which is awesome exciting. because she needs one and its a GOOD one, which is rare these days. I'm so proud of her that I'm going to get some cheap goon, some jatz (with sweet chilli philly), and rent some 'arrested development' or an old audrey movie and toast to her brilliant success!

work is dead. the only exciting thing is that this customer guy came in who was all tall and lanky and geeky (transation= hot) and I said "good morning, how are you?" and he said "i'm good"... so basically, we're in love and we'll probably be living together by June. I hope my friends will welcome him lovingly... but not too lovingly, I know how their hands are a wanderin!

anyway, i've wasted enough time for now I believe. over and out
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