spring break quest - part 1

Mar 23, 2005 19:28

a picture i took on the best day of my life

OK, so here goes. Basically, since I am all alone, I have been plotting what to give Rory for his birthday. And since I have no money and no solid ideas, I started painting. I had no idea what to paint, and i still to this day have no clue as to whether or not he'll actually like it, but ok, Josh Homme. I figured was a fairly safe bet. Although it won't exactly go with the lounge theme of his room.

AND, since I lock myself in my bedroom all day and night working on shit like this, I start to listen to weird music and take a lot of pictures. So. Here's part one of the painting fiasco.

me, after stealing rory's pants. they smell good. look... oh god, i'm smelling them. you know what is a really gross word? "delicious".

this is what sparked the idea and generally what i'm using as a reference picture, although i'm making it all stylized and awesome.

OK. First pencil drawing.---------------------------------but then something went really wrong...

So. That got really erased.---------------------------------and i tried again.

this me having a passing out tantrum because it doesn't look right still.

the background is officially half done here. i made it official.------------------at this point it was getting blurry when i thought.

background is now almost done!!!--------------------and here's me starting to eat my paintbrush. so i decided it was time for a break.

i think it's really awesome that right now he looks like he has a mullet cuz i'm not done the head of the guitar. no one tell rory, btw, not that anyone really can. oh god i'm smiling.

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and that would be about right, too.
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