the curious things that stumble through my mind,,,

Mar 09, 2008 07:26

After a good five hour session of the reading new Nora Roberts trilogy I decided t'wud be pointless trying to cram in a measily two hour kip before getting ready for work, so instead I figured I'd make good use of this sunday morning and articulate on whats been filling up my mind space.

so iv sucessfully moved on from the slug and lettuce to a much swankier and classier establishment. I am now cocktail culinist (is that a word?-ah i dont care the illiteration sounds pretty!) with prospects of becoming assistant bar manager in The Royal York Hotel, yes only four stars so far but that was before they invested in moi!!
things are going well so far however I do have major issues with the uniform, I never wore a shirt to school, let alone one buttoned to the neck...and with a tie!! =S

regardless of this hidious crime against cleavage, this every so sexy turkish security guard has seemingly taken a bit of a fancy to me. speaking of, how old is too old? he's only 30 and i figure a mature man would be more appealing to me at the moment, especially as most of the guys around my age are fuck-wits with testiciles for brains, however this leads me to another factor which is that I have four other boys subtling tugging on the heart strings that Ive recently regained access to. or is this just my imagination?
fuck knows.

anyways, i'v began taking the neccessary steps towards facing some of my inner demons. which i believe is crutial to be able to gain full sensation of that dusty ol' love muscule of mine (haha the one that pumps blood round my body-not my penis!). so yeh Im not able to build that brige completely yet, however after paddling round in the shallow waters of my consciencious I know I want to get to the other side, whether needs be jump right in and swim to the other side or recruit some sexy labourers to get that walkway ready for me to strut over.
honestly i dont know whats to come, but i do know i have the support and care from some incredible people who i am priviledged to call my friendly peeps, and thats all i need to know for now.

Im in a place right now where I have to start moving forwards at a faster pace, otherwise those pesky demons can(&will) catch up with me which isnt even a possibility for me...nopers, just not gona let it. But whilst striving onwards I also hope to tie up some of the niggling 'not so much regrets but shuda-wuda-cuda's' that could escilate into nastier business and then im just back where i started only a few paces forwards but essentially back where i was...right im confusing myself now, i think i need more caffine.

im gona wrap this up anyways, just wanted to update so i can look back in years to come and laugh or think fuck iv still not got round to doing that!!

Peace out, mojo x
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