mod post

Apr 12, 2006 04:03

okay so i apologize for not being an active mod.
a lot of stuff has been going on lately, and an LJ community isnt top on my list.
my bad. however in efforts to change it, im going to clear some stuff up.

1. members [including myself] need to be more active.
2. i am going to be re-vamping the community and rules, etc.
3. im making a few new applications. we can vote for which we like best.
4. WE NEED A NEW THEME. ideas? submit them to this entry.

to the co-mod // whatever: i need to get this out in the open.
i do not like you. here is why.
you stamp people without asking me. ITS NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB. so dont do it.
i am the mod, you are not. you are the co-mod and you dont do shit without asking me.
i may have said yes on your application but youre not co-mod worthy for this comm.
and like i said, it REALLLLLY fucking annoys me that you do shit without asking.
you havent been in this community long enough in my opinion to be anything.
SO IM FINDING A NEW CO-MOD. sorry if that offends you.
actually im not. youll get over it.

lets get out there and promote and do shit. kay? kay.
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