fuck you god

Feb 10, 2004 07:55

FUCK PEOPLE. FUCK THIS WORLD. FUCK LIFE. FUCK YOU. FUCK MY FAMILY. FUCK GOD. FUCK SCHOOL. FUCK JOBS. FUCK THIS. FUCK THIS FUCK THIS FUCK THIS FUCK THIS FUCK THIS FUCK THIS. i give up. i fucking give up. okay. Just fucking let me go. I don't want to be here. I really don't. SO why should i have to be. No one will miss me except colby. But he'll get over it one day right. Their's no point in missing someone if they can't come back right. You move on. Everyone fucking moves on. So, I take my last breathe today and say fuck it. Thanks to this stupid journal. Thanks to all the fucking so called friends ive had. Thanks to family.... thanks to LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thanks to life. Really ive had a fantastic fucking time but it's not my thing. Who the hell does god think he is anyway. I mean does he exist or what the fuck. Show your god damn face you mother fucker. You soposidely answer :people's: prayers and shit, yeah well you fucked me over so go to hell. Or is that where Im going cuz suicide is for pussy's. THe only fucking pussy's I see is watching how fucking fake this life is and everyone in it. I mean is anyone really honestly happy. I applaud those who are, I really FUCKING DO. I don't want a job. I don't want to move out. I don't want to live so GOOD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. GOODBYE GOODBYE GOODBYE GOODBYE GOODBYE. victoms arn't we fucking all. FUCK IT. I'll love you forever colb.
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