Aug 18, 2005 23:55
*Sighs* Not much has really been going on...
Broke my glasses last Sunday, mom sent me some money to fix them since I still don't have a flippin' job yet. Can't get one now anyways until I get a new pair, which probably won't be until 2 freaking weeks from now. *sighs again* Been sick too. Really bad headaches and back pains, and I the right side of my throat, like the neck like part RIGHT under your jawbone, is all swollen up and stuff. It hurts to touch it. =(
But aside from all that, I think I'm going to go back and use my old journal, ryoohki. So if any of you read this, be sure to add it to your journals, that is, if you still want to read what I write. Feel free to comment and I'll add new people to it too. *nods*
But yeah. Found some good songs to describe my recent moods.
.......I really want to go home.....but....I'd just end up hurting myself again. Ha...not like I already am. But just seeing Vincent, would just break my heart so badly, more than it's already in a thousand tiny pieces right now. *sighs*
I know. I've been bitchy, angsty, moody, depressed, sad, upset, and all the other negative emotions lately. Most of you know why, but I think there's more to it. It's just the way I am, that, and having ADD and being bi-polar, having gone through pregnancy(Which, I blame for the majority of it, as well as the ADD, because pregnancy changes a woman, from head to toe. No questions about it.), and the things that happen in life. Having acute depression is also another majority of it too. *Sighs*
Anyways, I think that's enough for now.