Jan 02, 2005 14:17
If I were a month, I'd be: December.
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Sunday.
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 11 pm
If I were a planet, I'd be: Saturn.
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: Baracuda.
If I were a direction, I'd be: West.
If I were a sin, I'd be: Lust.
If I were a liquid, I'd be: Arsenic.
If I were a tree, I'd be: A willow.
If I were a bird, I'd be: A robin.
If I were a tool, I'd be: A drill.
If I were a flower/plant, I'd be: A stargazer lily.
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: A lightning storm.
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: An angel.
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: A violin.
If I were an animal, I'd be: An emu.
If I were a color, I'd be: Pink.
If I were an emotion, I'd be: Love.
If I were a vegetable, I'd be: Corn.
If I were a sound, I'd be: Era era.
If I were an element, I'd be: Spirit.
If I were a car, I'd be: Dodge Shadow.
If I were a song, I'd be: "Pretty Girl" Sugar Cult.
If I were a movie, I'd be: Say Anything.
If I were a book, I'd be: Kabir.
If I were a place, I'd be: Home.
If I were a material, I'd be: Silk.
If I were a taste, I'd be: Salty.
If I were a scent, I'd be: Morning dew.
If I were a word, I'd be: Happy.
If I were an object, I'd be: Flashlight.
If I were a body part, I'd be: A strand of hair.
If I were a facial expression, I'd be: Disdained.
If I were a subject in school, I'd be: English.
If I were a shape, I'd be: A nine pointed star.
If I were a number, I'd be: 4