What Would You do if... I cried: TRY TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER I asked you to help: DEPENDS ON WHAT FOR I died from natural causes: CRY I said I liked you: LAUGH I kissed you: PUKE I stole something: OH GOD! I was hospitalized: HAHA I ran away from home: ID LAUGH I got in a fight and you were there: SAY "GO MIKE" I got dumped: LAUGH I pissed you off: BITCH I did something that you could never forgive me for: NEVER FORGIVE YOU
What Do You Think Of My... Personality: KOOL KID Eyes: YUCK Face: PRETTY Hair: WACK Clothes: AWESOME Voice: SEXY LISP Humor: DRY Choice of music: EHHH Mannerisms: WONDERFUL Family: GAY Body: ... Friends: DUMB AS FUCK Decisions: EEEHH
Would You... Be my friend: FUCK THAT Tell me the truth no matter what: ALWAYS Lie to make me feel better: WHITE LIES ARE OKAY Spread rumors about me: ONLY TO JOKE AROUND :) Keep a secret if I told you one: ALL THE TIME Loan me some cash: ALL THE TIME Hold my hand: IF YOU GOT STABBED Take a bullet for me: NOT QUITE Keep in touch: OF COURSE Try and solve my problems: ALL THE TIME Love me: MMM Have Sex with me: YIKES Ditch me: HAHAH Use me: NO Date me: NO Rape me: YES Beat me up: I DO
I asked you to help: DEPENDS ON WHAT FOR
I died from natural causes: CRY
I said I liked you: LAUGH
I kissed you: PUKE
I stole something: OH GOD!
I was hospitalized: HAHA
I ran away from home: ID LAUGH
I got in a fight and you were there: SAY "GO MIKE"
I got dumped: LAUGH
I pissed you off: BITCH
I did something that you could never forgive me for: NEVER FORGIVE YOU
What Do You Think Of My...
Personality: KOOL KID
Eyes: YUCK
Hair: WACK
Clothes: AWESOME
Humor: DRY
Choice of music: EHHH
Mannerisms: WONDERFUL
Family: GAY
Body: ...
Decisions: EEEHH
Would You...
Be my friend: FUCK THAT
Tell me the truth no matter what: ALWAYS
Lie to make me feel better: WHITE LIES ARE OKAY
Spread rumors about me: ONLY TO JOKE AROUND :)
Keep a secret if I told you one: ALL THE TIME
Loan me some cash: ALL THE TIME
Hold my hand: IF YOU GOT STABBED
Take a bullet for me: NOT QUITE
Keep in touch: OF COURSE
Try and solve my problems: ALL THE TIME
Love me: MMM
Have Sex with me: YIKES
Ditch me: HAHAH
Use me: NO
Date me: NO
Rape me: YES
Beat me up: I DO
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