May 07, 2005 01:14
Wow. In 9 hours from the present time, my car will be sold completely to my friend Ryan... I'm kind of sad because it's my first car, but the time would've come eventually... Now it's Sunday, and I've got 54 days left here... I know it still sounds like an eternity, but if you compare that to a minimum of 4 years in Europe, 54 days is nothing... Even my mom is starting to get totally emotional and sentimental... It's depressing :C But on the plus side, now I'm riding a bike again, so I can get my fat butt off the driver's seat and become active again!! Strengthen those calves!! ...and thighs... ...and buns... ARGH!! Hahahahaha C:
So, I went to go see House of Wax tonight with Katie and Ryan... That movie was COMPLETELY gruesome, but I liked it A LOT!! It's my new favorite movie. The cinematography was just BRILLIANT!! It DID NOT look fake AT ALL!! The movie is totally original and unique, and I'm buying that movie when it comes out!! So there!! C;
I have to work tomorrow at 10am... Ugh... 10am-3pm... Long, boring days... Haha. Well, at least I'm off Sunday, which is exciting!! Sunday will be my day of rest!! I don't think I will leave the house at all, except to go to church!!
Prom is in a week, and I'M FREAKIN' STOKED!! It's going to be EXCITING!! C:D C:D C:D
Anywho, I'm off to bed so I can be semi-rested for work tomorrow C; Bonne nuit, toute le monde!!