Last Night:
Went with Jenny and Christy around places. Jenny has a pimp car. =] We hit the mall, literally, we hit it. Dont ask. Bought some stuff. No one good was there so we left. then went over to best buy and got some CD's, i saw Julie, wow havent seen that asian in ages, dont ask. Then we went over to AMF and we were going to go bowling but the wait was like 40 minutes, so we were like fuckit. And Christy was pissing me off, so i met up with Melanie. And we were going to drive around but Melanie didnt want to. But finally she did for like 5 minutes and we stuck our heads out the sun roof and yelled at black people. lmao. then we played music really loud and annoyed old people. Then Christy and Jenny left. So me and Melanie stayed and bowled with Spike, dont ask he was just there. I lost. =[ (like always) then i saw this black guy that asked for my # like a year ago and i had told him that i lived in a box, so it was kinda awkward, because ya know... i dont live in a box. Then I went home at like 11:30 and i was tired as anything. I talked to Chris. I guess were okay now, but idk. I just dont want to fight anymore, and he wants to be friends, but i cant do that, so oh well. And he already likes someone else and i guess I do too even though he says he still cares about me. Anyways. I miss the way things used to be. O well. I'm forgetting everything. Everything.
Right now i'm sitting here waiting to be picked up. I'm going to cheer up. Hope so.
I spill my heart for you